Going to the mall

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You and Shawn are on your way to the mall
Y/n babe I'm so excited
Shawn/ I'm glad so what are we getting In here
Y/n well I want to get new shirts I wanna get Starbucks and I want to go into Victoria Secret
Shawn/ ohhh now I'm excited
Y/n hahah
You guys get  to the mall and walking hand-in-hand the first store you stop at is forever 21 then you did you get your Starbucks then you go into victoria's secret
Y/n so in here I want to get a new bra  and new underwear
Shawn/ ohhh can I help
Y/n I knew you were gonna ask that and yes
You walk over to the bras and you are looking at them when Shawn comes up behind you with lingerie
Y/n Shawn what the hell is that
Shawn/ you know what it is
Y/n yeah but why are you bringing it over here
Shawn/ because I may or may not want you to try it on
Y/n oh my gosh you are such a child but fine I will try it on let's go to one of the dressing rooms
Shawn/ hell yeah
You walk over to a dressing room and you take Shawn in there with you and you tell Shawn to close his eyes until you get done putting it on
Y/n I'm ready
Shawn turns around and he sees you and when he sees you his mouth  drops wide open
Shawn/ oh my God
Y/n what
Shawn/ you are so fucking hot
Y/n thank you baby
Shawn/ you're welcome but I would rather it be on the floor
Y/n oh really
You walk over to him and you sit on his lap and start making out with him
Shawn/ can you please buy this
Y/n I will think about it
You kiss for a little bit more and then you get off his lap when he pushes back down
Y/n what's wrong
Shawn/ well I'm pretty sure you can feel it
Y/n feel what
Shawn/ this
Shawn takes your hand in place it on his lap
Y/n ohhh
Shawn/ yeah please buy this so you can put it on and I can rip it off of you
Y/n you can take it off but you're not gonna rip it off because this is expensive
Shawn/ first no one tells me what to do and second I will rip it off if I want to I will pay for it
Shawn grabs you by the waist and pulls you down and whispers in your ear
Shawn/ trust me you can try to tell me what to do but you know that is not gonna happen baby girl you know I am dominant just me you can you can try to tell me what to do but you know that it's not gonna happen baby girl you know I'm a dominant one now be a good girl and buy this lingerie for daddy and let's go home
Y/n OK
You change into your clothes and take the lingerie and pay for it and you guys are on your way home and you guys had a fun and wild night

I hope you guys enjoy this yes it was a little bit on the sexy side lol I want to change up my stories but I really hope you enjoy it ❤️❤️

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