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You are at your locker when the most popular girl in school comes up to you
Popular girl/ hey ugly
Y/n what do you want
Popular girl/ oh so the rumors are true
Y/n what rumors
Popular girl/ oh just the rumors you're boyfriend said he said you guys had sex and your pregnant
Y/n that's not true
Popular girl/ whatever you say he's outside if you would like to know
Y/n thanks
You run outside
Boyfriend/ there is my amazing pregnant girlfriend
Y/n look why are you telling people we had sex and I'm pregnant
Boyfriend/ what do you mean it's all true
Y/n you're disgusting I'm done we are done bye
Boyfriend/ your not leaving me
Y/n yes I am
You leave and go home and you decide to talk to your mom about this
Y/n mom
Mom/ yes sweetie I'm in the kitchen
You go into the kitchen
Y/n can we talk
Mom/ of course baby what's up
Y/n well you remember my boyfriend right
Mom/ yea
Y/n well he made up a rumor that we had sex and I'm pregnant with his baby
Mom/ aw I'm sorry honey I'll talk to his parents
Y/n no please I want to do it myself but what do I do I broke up with him but he said your not leaving me what do I do
Mom/ well just have the principal tell his parents but honey it's going to be ok I love you
Y/n I love you too thank you
The next day your walking down the Hall and people is laughing and talking about you you finally had enough and you went to tell your ex to stop
Ex/ hey see I told you your not leaving me
Y/n look you need to tell people the rumors aren't true
Ex/ and if I don't 
Shawn / then your going to have to deal with me
You look back and it's the new kid
Ex/ and who are you
Shawn/ Shawn look stop trying to act cool no one cares tell everyone it's a rumor
Ex/ no
Shawn attacks you're ex and starts punching him
Ex/ ok ok please stop
Shawn gets on your ex and pins him to the ground
Shawn/ are you going to tell them
Ex/ yes look everyone it was a rumor I'm sorry y/n it's all fake now can I get up
Shawn/ I guess
Shawn gets off of him
Shawn/ now leave y/n alone
Ex/ ok fine
Y/n thank you Shawn but you didn't have to
Shawn/ yes I did he was disrespectful towards you how did you date him
Y/n I don't know maybe because I'm stupid
Shawn/ hey your not stupid now can I take you to go it a coffee
Y/n I would love that thank you
Shawn/ you're welcome let's go
I hope you guys enjoy if you did let me know I love you guys 💖💖💖💖

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