In the army

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Your boyfriend Shawn is in the army and he was supposed to come home on your birthday that was three months ago but he had to stay there for a little bit longer he didn't tell you how long he  had to stay there  your anniversary is today and you're spending your anniversary alone right now you're with your mom
Y/n mom I just miss Shawn
Urmom/ I know you do baby But he's serving our country
Y/n I know and I'm extremely proud of him but it's just I'm extremely sad because we don't even get to spend time together
Urmom/ I know sweetie I know you miss him and I know it's going to be hard today because it's y'all's anniversary
Y/n You can say that again
Urmom/ hey I know
Y/n what
Urmom/ how about we celebrate at my place I know it's yours and Shawn's anniversary but maybe we can get a couple drinks in  you and maybe you'll feel a little bit better
Y/n maybe
You're still talking to your mom and all of a sudden you hear your phone go off and  it's Shawn
Y/n I got to take this
Urmom/ go ahead
You answer the phone and you were so glad to hear Shawn's voice again
Shawn/ heyyy baby happy anniversary
Y/n omg hi baby happy anniversary are you going to be home for anniversary
Shawn/ see that's why I'm calling they want me to stay here for five more months
Y/n five months but you promised you would be home for our anniversary
Shawn/ I know baby I know but I just can't stay I'm in the army I have to do what they say I can't go home on my time I can only go home and they let me go home
Y/n I know but I just really wanted to spend our anniversary together because we don't get to spend a lot of time because you're not here yet you're deployed somewhere's
Shawn/ I know I know I wish we were together to all right they're hollering for me I have to go
Y/n ok bye baby
Shawn/ bye I love you
Y/n I love you to
You get off the phone in your mom comes to find you
Urmom/ so how's everything
You look at her and you start crying and she runs to you and hug you
Y/n he said he's not going to be here for anniversary
Urmom/ aww baby I'm so sorry
Y/n it's Ok I mean I guess I shouldn't of got my hopes up
Urmom/ is there anything that I can do
Y/n yeah give me some alcohol
Urmom/ hahahah ok sweetie let's go
You go to your moms house and your mom apparently was planning a surprise for you because you got to her house and you see your whole entire family there
Y/n mom why are are these people here
Urmom/ sweet because it's your anniversary and I know your husband can't be here but we're here
( Shawn is a military man in this one and you're married to him sorry I didn't say at the start LOL and he's not a pops or anything he's just in the army)
Y/n thank you mom I seriously can't thank you enough
You run up and hug your mom and you guys hang out and it's getting pretty late and you're getting a little bit tipsy but not drunk
Urmom/ sweetie I have one more surprise for you
Y/n if it's not a puppy I don't care
Urmom/ hahah No it's not a puppy but I'm pretty sure you're gonna like this
Your mom goes in the room and she comes out and someone's behind her and you get up and it's your husband Shawn
Shawn/ hiii baby
You start crying tears of joy your run up and you hug Shawn legs wrapped around his waist your hands wrapped around his neck and you're crying getting his uniform all wet with your tears
Y/n oh my God you seriously didn't you seriously told me that you weren't going to be here for anniversary
Shawn/ I lied I was on the plane when I called you your mom said that you're pretty upset and I told my people I said I can't leave my wife  alone on our anniversary and guess what
Y/n what
Shawn/ i'm staying home for two years
Y/n wait what are you joking
Shawn/ no we basically done our training for this year and mostly a lot of the next year so my ceo was like hey we did our training for this year and mostly next year y'all will get two years off
Y/n omg This day just got better I love you
Shawn/ I love you to
So if your mom surprise you with your husband you just hang out there at her house for a little bit and then you and Shawn goes home and cuddle
Y/n i missed you
Shawn/ I missed you to baby it was hard not having you by my side every night to sleep with me
Y/n but yeah but you have friends
Shawn/ honey you know how weird that would look me cuddling with one of my best friends because I miss my wife hahaha
Y/n yeah I guess I'll be pretty funny haha i'm so glad you're home for two years like I missed you so much and I miss like everything like I knew when I married you I knew that I would half to go through these things but I miss having you by my side and I miss having you sleeping with me and oh my gosh I miss your cuddles and other things
Shawn/ and  one of those other things
Y/n you know
Shawn/ well since I'm home and I promise when I went back when I would come home we would start on a baby
Y/n where are you thinking what I think you're thinking
Shawn/ yes let's make a baby
And you guys did nine months later you gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl you named her heaven I hope you guys enjoy this imagines if you did please comment and Tell me if you like this and I know I haven't wrote in a while but I'm trying to write different imagines because I don't want them to be the same as my other ones of my other book because I don't want you to be reading the same thing be like dinner I read this So yeah that's why it's been taking me forever for a while to come up with some cause I don't want them to be the same but I hope you guys like this and I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ and thank you for 398 readers ❤️❤️❤️

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