Break up

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You are sitting at home relaxing watching a TV show until you get a text from your boyfriend Jake
Jake/ hey y/n we need to talk
Y/n sure wait what is it about because you use my name instead of a nickname
Jake/ well I don't think I can do this anymore
Y/n do what
Jake/ us this relationship
Y/n wait are you breaking up with me?
Jake/ yeah
Y/n wait why I thought everything was going good between us
Jake/ it was, but I just can't do this anymore. I'm sorry.
y/n seriously you're breaking up with me over text
Jake/ yeah but I hope you have a good life. Goodbye.
Y/n bye I guess
You don't know what to think because you thought everything between you guys were good, but you guessed wrong you are a mess so you decide to text your best guy, friend Shawn
Y/n hey I really need you
Shawn/ what's up are you OK?
Y/n no Jake just broke up with me over text
Shawn/ wait I thought everything was good between you guys
Y/n that's what I thought too but I guess not because he just messaged me and I can't believe this. Can you come over? I don't wanna be alone.
Shawn/ of course let me just go to the store and buy a couple of things
Y/n OK please hurry
It's a little while later and you're still on your couch crying when you hear knock at the door so you open it and you see Shawn with Flowers candy and McDonald's in his hands
Shawn/ sorry I just wanted to stop and get you food get you candy and some flowers. I'm so sorry
He put all that down and wrap you in a big hug and all you could do is just cry on on his
Y/n I just can't believe this like I seriously thought everything was good between us
Shawn/ awwww sweetie
You let Shawn read the messages between you and Jake and he looks up at you with his mouth wide-open
Shawn/ so you're telling me this dude broke up with you over text instead of being a man and doing it to your face so he basically took the coward way out
Y/n yeah
You guys sit there for a little bit and he tries to make you laugh and it works and you are feeling a little bit better but you're still upset about the entire thing
Shawn/ you know what I'm gonna stay the night we're gonna eat this candy. You're gonna eat this McDonald's and we are going to watch scary movies all night until you fall asleep.
Y/n really but you don't have to. I know you're busy.
Shawn/ I don't care if I'm busy I want to be there for you so be quiet and pick a movie
You guys sit for a little while and watch scary movies and it's 2 AM and you're starting to feel tired so you just lay on Shawn's lap and go right to sleep 
I hope you guys enjoyed this if you did let me know. Sorry it took me so long lol

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