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You woke up because you are cold you get out of bed and check the thermostat and it is 20° then you check the heat and the heat is not on at all so you try turning it on but it won't turn on then you get back in the bed and wake up Shawn
Y/n babe
Shawn/ what
Y/n it's cold in here
Shawn/ is the heat on
Y/n no
Shawn/ did you try turning it on
Y/n yes I tried but it's not turning on
Shawn gets out of bed and goes to the heater and tries to turn it on but he has no luck either
Shawn/ looks like it's broken
Y/n seriously what are we gonna do it's really cold
Shawn/ well we're gonna have to wait until in the morning then call the people and have them come and fix it
Shawn gets back in the bed and you feel bad for waking him up because he's been at the studio writing songs
Y/n baby I'm sorry
Shawn/ why are you sorry
Y/n because I made you get up and you've been working really hard lately on new music and everything and I just you deserve sleep but I feel like I am Messing that up
Shawn/ honey you're not messing anything up you're fine trust me I'm glad you woke me up because now I can cuddle you because I don't want you to get a cold
Y/n really
Shawn/ yes now be quiet and cuddle me
You lay right in his arms and you feel so much better but then Shawn lets out a scream
Y/n what
Shawn/ nothing you're just really cold
Y/n I told you I just hope we get to sleep tonight
Shawn/ we will just stay cuddled up to me and just relax
You guys fall asleep and then the next morning the guy comes in and fixes the heater and now you have a warm house
Y/n let's just hope we don't have to do that ever again because it was seriously cold last night
Shawn/ I know it was it got down to 5°
Y/n are you serious
Shawn/ yeah
Shawn is about to leave when he looks at you
Shawn/ would you like to come to the studio with me because I need your help on a song
Y/n of course I will
You guys walk hand-in-hand out to the car and go to the studio
I hope you guys enjoy this I know it wasn't really it's probably wasn't good but it's just I couldn't think of any other idea lol but I just hope you guys enjoyed it still and I hope you guys have a wonderful holiday

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