Your mom's bosses son

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Your mom started working at a high class Company that pays a lot of money and she wants to make a good impression on the boss so she invited him and his son to dinner you are not looking forward to this but it's your mom so you have to
Urmom/ OK so when he gets here wait why don't you dressed
Y/n because mom I don't really want to do this
Urmom/ sweetie you have to do this this is a really good paying job and since your dad left we've been broke
Y/n I know but I feel like you're trying to seduce him
Urmom/ I am not I'm just trying to be a really good employee and get to know him a little bit better and know that he can trust me
Y/n OK
Urmom/ now please get dressed put something nice on to because his sons coming
Y/n mom
Urmom/ I'm sorry
So you decided to wear the black dress that goes down to your knees you put your hair up in a cute bun can you put a little bit of make up on and he went downstairs to help your mom set the table
Urmom/ OK so when he gets here be polite as ever
Y/n mom I'm always polite
Urmom/ not always
You look at her like what the heck did you just say and all of a sudden you guys hear a doorbell rang
Urmom/ ohhh that's him how do I look
Y/n You look good mom
Urmom/ thanks honey
Your mom opens the door and you see her bosses son and you start to drool
Urmom/ hello welcome to our lovely home come on in
Boss/ thanks
The boss comes in and he takes off his jacket it looks at your mom and asked where he can put is jacket this and she said oh you can put it on the couch meanwhile you're still staring at his son you're thinking you never in your mind oh my gosh this boy is amazing he had the body he had the looks he had the hair and you're thinking in your mind maybe this is a good idea
Y/n Hi I'm urmom/ daughter nice to meet you
Boss/ nice to meet you to sweetie
You guys sit at the table and your mom starts talking to her boss and you keep staring at at his son
Shawn/ hi I'm Shawn
Y/n nice to meet you Shawn can I say you're cute
Shawn/ aww thank you your beautiful
Y/n thank you
In your mind again you're thinking he just called me beautiful OK so you guys ate food Shawn ask his dad if he can take you driving and his dad said yes
Shawn/ so umm I had a really great time I really didn't want to come but when I saw you I was happy
Y/n awww I didn't want to do this either but when I saw you I was like oh my gosh you're hot oops I'm sorry
Shawn/ it's ok
Y/n so do you have a girlfriend
Shawn/ no
Y/n awww I'm sorry
Shawn/ it's ok so do you have a boyfriend
Y/n no
Shawn/ well ummm maybe if you're up for it I can take you out to dinner sometime
Y/n I would love that
Shawn/ Great so next Saturday
Y/n next Saturday it is
Shawn/ awesome
Shawn shows up at your house and you see his dad outside of the house talking to your mother
Shawn/ well I guess it's time to leave but can I just say I had a wonderful evening thank you
Y/n me too
Shawn/ see you next Saturday
Y/n I can't wait
Shawn/ me either
Shawn's dad gets in the car and they leave you go back to your mom
Urmom/ see I told you it wasn't bad you were flirting with him
Y/n omg mom
Urmom/ what you were so you guys have a date Saturday
Y/n yes but I hope that's OK
Urmom/ yes honey why wouldn't it be
Y/n I don't know because his dad is your boss and I just didn't want to make it weird
Urmom/ honey you're not gonna make it weird it's totally fine now let's go inside and go to sleep
Y/n yes please
I hope you guys do this if you did please let me know and yes this is Shawn's dad Manny so yeah I hope you guys enjoy this video please let me know and I'm sorry I haven't uploaded issues have been busy but yeah I love you guys so much and thank you for 919 readers 💕💕💕

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