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You keep feeling something moving behind you you turn over and you see Shawn moving in his sleep
Y/n Shawn baby what's wrong
He doesn't reply and he's moving along more and saying don't leave me please don't leave me
Y/n Shawn baby wake up
You say shaking him
he jumps up from the bed
Y/n Shawn baby what's wrong
Shawn/ I had a nightmare
Y/n awww I'm sorry baby do you want to talk about it
Shawn/ it was stupid
Y/n no it wasn't
Shawn/ yes it was
Y/n do you want to cuddle
Shawn/ yes please
You and Shawn cuddled
Shawn/ I'm sorry I woke you up
Y/n its ok baby
Shawn/ the dream was that you left me I know it's stupid
Y/n Shawn honey it's not stupid and you know I would never leave you right
Shawn/ yea I don't know why I dreamt that
Y/n I know why
Shawn/ why
Y/n because you're stressed about tour
Shawn/ that's not true
Y/n Shawn I've been dating you for five year's and you always have nightmares when you're stressed
Shawn/ I guess you're right I just want everything to be perfect
Y/n and it will be and the Mendes army will love it
Shawn/ you think so
Y/n I know so it's going to be amazing and I'm going to be amazing and I'm going to be there with you
Shawn/ thank you I love you so much
Y/n I love you to
You guys kiss
Shawn/ can I lay on your chest
Y/n yes you know you don't have to ask
Shawn lays down on your chest
Shawn/ can you play with my hair
Y/n of course baby
You played with his hair and he goes to sleep and before you go to sleep you whisper in his ear
Y/n I'm not going anywhere I will never leave you 
and you kiss his head and go to sleep
I hope you enjoy ❤️❤️❤️

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