Scary movie

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You and your boyfriend Shawn are watching a scary movie and you don't like scary movies but you decided to watch them with Shawn
Y/n Shawn I don't know if I can do this I'm starting to get scared
Shawn/ babe seriously the movie hasn't even started yet
Y/n I know but I get scared easily and I just I'm just scared
Shawn/ baby there is nothing to be scared about I'm going to cuddle you and if you want to you can bury your face in my chest
Y/n ok
you guys start watching the movie and the scary parts are showing up and you jump in the Shawn's lap
Shawn/ baby it's okay I promise I got you
Y/n ok
You watch a little bit more and all of a sudden you feel something on  your arm and you freak out
you jump off the couch and onto the floor and you see Shawn laughing
Shawn/ yeah me
Shawn says laughing almost in tears because he's laughing so hard
Y/n are you serious I literally told you I was scared and you decided to scare me whatever I'm going to bed
you go to bed and Shawn chases after you
Shawn/ baby wait
Shawn follows you into the  bedroom but you're a little faster than Shawn he comes in the room and he doesn't see you
Shawn/ baby
Shawn checks the bed under the bed and he doesn't see you
Shawn/ maybe she's in the bathroom
he goes to check the bathroom you're not there at this point he starting to get really scared
Shawn/ baby please I'm sorry just please come out
Shawn starting to get very scared and he starts to lay down on the bed just to calm himself down because he can't find you when all of a sudden he feels something and he can't see it because the room is pitch black
Shawn/ what the fuck was that
so he jerks up from the bed and he doesn't see anything so he starting to get really scared now but all of a sudden you jump on the bed and scare him and he almost punches you
Y/n boo
He jumped off the bed and almost out of his skin and he's breathing so hard and you're laughing your butt off
Shawn/ omg seriously
you try to get out words but you're laughing so hard
Y/n yes
Shawn gets back in the bed and he turns away from you
Y/n awwww baby I'm sorry but you scared me pay back is a bitch
you grab a hold of Shawn and start cuddling him and you start tickling him and you hear him laugh
Shawn/ Hahahahaha ok OK please stop
so you stop  and you sit up and Shawn sits up to and you look at each other
Shawn/i'm sorry I scared you I just thought it would be funny
Y/n It's Ok I  got pay back that's all it matters
shawn/ ohhhhh your going to get it
Shawn tackles you and starts tickling you and you tell him to stop but you can't get the words out because you're laughing so hard
Y/n please stop hahahaha
Shawn/ only if you give me a kiss
You kiss Shawn with so passionately And he  kisses back of course
Y/n New rule let's not scare each other anymore
Shawn/ ok deal
Y/n can we cuddle now please
Shawn/ of course babygirl
Shawn lays  down and you lay on top of him and  you  cuddle the rest of the night
I hope you guys enjoyed it and I can't wait we have two weeks and one day until Christmas if y'all want a Christmas imagine just let me know love you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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