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( ok, so I know Shaun's actual sister is Aaliyah, but I wanted to change it up a little bit, so his sister in this one is Spencer ) You just got a job babysitting for this couple, your babysitting, their little daughter, so you go to the house, and you're kind of nervous and kind of excited because its your very first time watching someone  you walk up to the door, your palms are sweaty and you were freaking out, but you knock anyways
Woman/ coming
She opens the door
Women / hi are you y/n
Y/n yes I am
Women/ hello come in
She steps aside and you walk into her beautiful home, and here comes this little girl running at you and she runs and hugs you
Woman/ aww this is Spencer
Y/n hi Spencer we are going to have fun aren't we
Spencer/ yes we are
Woman/ ok, so we'll be back around 10 she goes to bed at 9 o'clock, she can have some snacks, but 8:30 don't let her have anymore drink unless it's water, because if you let her have anything else but water she'll have an accident while she's asleep
Y/n ok got it
Woman/ how funny 20 just to let you know my son Shawn will be back around seven
Y/n ok thank you you guys have fun
Woman/ we will and thank you
She runs out the door because her husband's in the car and you asked Spencer what she wants to do
Y/n So what would you like to do
Spencer/ can you play dollies with me
Y/n of course let's go
You start playing with her and your nerves are finally setting and you're feeling comfortable well it's 730 and you ask her if she would like to watch a movie and she says yes in the middle of the movie she falls asleep and you carry her upstairs and put her in bed
After you carry her upstairs, you go back and watch the movie and you hear the door open and it's Shawn
Shawn/ oh hi you must be my sister's babysitter
Y/n yea hi I'm y/n
Shawn/ hi I'm Shawn
You got shake hands, and in your mind, you're thinking of how cute he is, how tall he is, his beautiful hair and his body, my gosh, his body. You quickly forget about those thoughts when he starts talking again
Shawn/ so umm I have to shower and I'll finish the movie with you
Y/n awww you don't have to
Shawn/ I want to I just got to go shower
Y/n ok
Shawn goes and takes a shower couple minutes later he comes back out and sit with you on the couch he starts getting a little close to you when all of a sudden he kisses you
Shawn/ oh my gosh I'm so sorry
Y/n no it's ok
You kiss him You guys kiss for a while and then it starts to get heated when all of a sudden the door opens and it's the parents back
Woman/ we're home sorry we are back a little late
Y/n no no it's OK it's fine
Woman/ how was she
Y/n she was good we played with toys we watched a movie and then she fell asleep oh and then Shawn comes home
You say smiling you're thinking about what you just did and you're so happy but you don't wanna let the mother no because if she ever finds out you might not be able to keep this job
Woman/ oh that's good so Shawn are you OK
Shawn/ oh yeah I'm fine is y/n going to be spencers nanny for a while
Woman/ if she doesn't mind and if you don't mind
Shawn/ of course not I actually like her
Woman/ that's good so will you be her nanny for a little while
Y/n of course I will she's a really good little girl
Woman/ OK see you next week
Y/n see ya
Shawn/ I'll walk you out
You walk out following by Shawn he stops and   kisses you again you pull away
Y/n you are so cute I'm so sorry that I said that I love but I had to
Shawn/ awww thank you so I have two tickets for the concert tomorrow would you like to come with me
Y/n I would but I don't know how your parents would feel about us you know like I really really really want to get to know you and I really like you
Shawn/ I really like you too and I promise if you go to this concert with me my parents won't know
Y/n OK it's a date
Shawn/ see you tomorrow
Y/n see ya
You get in the car smiling to yourself you're thinking oh my gosh he is so cute and then you leave
(Btw you and Shawn are the same age)
I hope you guys enjoy this if you did please let me know and yeah I love you guys thank you♥️♥️♥️♥️

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