Restless nights

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You are in bed tossing and turning because you just can't seem to go to bed and you would be cuddle with Shawn right now but he's on tour so you decide to call him
Shawn/ hey baby
Y/n hi
Shawn/ are you okay
Y/n kinda yea
Shawn/ what's wrong
Y/n I just miss you and I can't get to sleep
Shawn/ aww I'm sorry baby
Y/n it's ok but how is tour
Shawn/ it's okay i just miss my baby
Y/n aww me
Shawn/ no Tarzan
Y/n oh ok
Shawn/ of course you baby
Y/n yayy
Shawn/ so how can i help you sleep
Y/n being here
Shawn/ I wish I was there to
Y/n I just want to here but I know you love your fans but I wish I was with you
Shawn/ I know how about we watch a movie on FaceTime
Y/n really
Shawn/ of course
Y/n but wait you have soundcheck tomorrow
Shawn/ I know but it's in the evening and I want to FaceTime you
Y/n awwwww I seriously don't deserve you
Shawn/ yes you do Now let's FaceTime
Y/n ok
You guys FaceTime all night until you fall asleep
I hope you guys enjoy 💗💗💗💗

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