Happy new year

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Happy new year everyone I hope 2021 is better than 2020 I mean 2020 wasn't all bad but we had covid and we loss people and we had a racist people and it was just horrible but I'm glad I'm alive and we can all thank god for that you know you may not be a Christian but please give God a chance he is the reason you wake up in the morning he's the reason you have food and everything he's so incredible but anyways I hope you had a safe and fun new years and I love you guys and thank you for sticking around with me and just being there for me and I know I have been a terrible writer I suck at writing but I'm trying so hard to come up with imagines and it's really hard because I want them to be amazing for you guys because you guys have always been there for me ever since I've even started writing on wattpad like y'all were there y'all except me for who I am and y'all are sticking around like y'all didn't have to stick around you guys could've been like yeah you're you suck at writing so we're just going to stop reading But y'all didn't y'all stayed there with me and I know I'm saying y'all a lot I always do LOL but you guys have been there for me ever since I've started writing and y'all are being like oh my God your imagines  are so good or y'all are like oh can you make me a imagine and all this other stuff and I'm just like super super super grateful that I have you guys because like I said if I didn't have you guys I wouldn't be writing right now but when I first started writing on wattpad I was like no one's gonna read this why did I started and I go back to my other imagines and I'm like oh my gosh Alyssa why back then you sucked at writing I mean I still suck at writing but y'all were like no this imagine is really good and and like I said you guys didn't have to but you chose to be here and I'm just so grateful and I promise I have a New Year's resolution that I'm going to get better at writing imagines for you guys because you guys deserve it y'all deserve the world everybody deserves the world to be honest like there is no person that doesn't deserve to be on earth no matter if you love them or hate them everybody has their own way of liking things or have their own opinions and I'm just gonna quick I'm gonna quick say this real quick if someone goes and talk to you and they don't like your opinion don't be rude to them just be like oh that's just my opinion and I and I believe that everybody should have a opinion which I believe that I believe that everybody should have a opinion no matter like there's no right or wrong opinions like it's your opinion it's whatever you believe it's whatever you want to say that but I'm just saying if someone ever was like hey I don't like the way you carry things are I don't like the way you're saying this or I don't like the way you're posting this be  like well that's your opinion and I respect that can you please respect my opinion because like I said everybody deserves to have a different opinion everyone does so I'm just saying like  there's already bad people in the world let's be better and be confident and be nice to each other because that's just that's just what I want I want nothing but the best for this world and the world needs better people like I have people in my life that I am truly truly thankful for and they knew they know who they are I'm just truly truly truly happy and blessed And if someone feels like they're not worth some thing just text me and be like hey I don't feel like myself can you help me because everybody deserves to be in this world everybody deserves to be happy everybody deserves to be loved everybody deserves everything in this whole entire world and like that I know there's a lot of bad people in the world I know trust me I know I know but let's just not let the haters get to us and let's show the haters what they're missing out because if you think about it the reason people hate you or bully you is because they're jealous of you they may not say  it but they're jealous of you and if you have a bully or something kill them with kindness don't like if they're hurting you OK because everybody gets hurt because it's life but don't let them show that they're hurting you because they're going to go harder and they're gonna keep on and keep on and you're stronger than anybody you're you're your own person and you deserve to be happy and you should kill people that doesn't like you should kill them with kindness because everybody in this whole entire world deserves to be happy deserves everything in this world and and like I said I have bullies trust me I had  someone DM to me on Instagram the other day saying I should not like garett Nolan because he's 23 and he said that I look like a 12-year-old but I'm 15 I'm turning 16 in six months so I told him I said first of all you can't tell me what to do I'm not gonna listen to you and that's your opinion and I respect your opinion but just don't be like oh yeah you shouldn't like him because he's this old and everything like that like I know he's old like when you're when you have a celebrity crush you don't care how old they are like Shawn Mendes he's 23 years old and I still love him to death and that's what I told this person I said Shawn's 23 I like him so I don't see anything wrong with liking an idol when you're like 10 11 12  or even if you're older like I don't I don't see where that's a problem but other people do and that's when you would be nice and I wasn't really nice which I probably should've done the situation a little bit more lighthearted but I was mad that day because he was he didn't even know me and he's like oh you shouldn't like him in this this this this like you don't know me so don't make accusations about me I probably should've reworded some stuff but I didn't come in that's why I feel bad but that's where you learn from your mistakes don't when you do something bad I don't hate yourself it's just a part of learning as a part of growing up it's a part of life now and and I'm not saying that's people I'm not saying that ages just a number because age does is not just a number him or at least that's what I believe him but if you like an idol no matter how old they are then love them because everybody's gonna have celebrity crushes everybody's gonna have their first crush trust me I already had mine I was going to love somebody in their life and you want just want you want what's for the best for the people and you and I'm not saying that you shouldn't love your idol no matter what how old they are like I'm not saying that when you're like 12 you shouldn't like a 34-year-old I'm not saying that like if you like them like them there's nothing wrong with having a celebrity crush that is older than you trust me because there's a lot of people that have celebrity crushes that's older than them trust me I know so see anything wrong with that so for the person that DM to me he was in the wrong he could've been like hey you know I don't think it's a good idea that you like garett because he's a little bit old for you and that's just my opinion I just decided to tell you and I'm sorry if you take this the wrong way but now if you'd like he was laughing and he was like making a joke out of it and that's what that's why I went off on him because like like I'm not gonna stop loving who I love like just say that Shawn came out as gay I'm not going to stop loving him just because he's gay like I'm a love who I love you can love somebody but not like their actions ummn But you can love someone but you don't have to love their actions but that's pretty much it if you have a celebrity crush and they're older than you and someone tells you that you can't love them or they're too old for you or you should stop being fans of them or this that another you just say I hope that your opinion and I respect it but can you re-can you respect who I like because everybody is going to go through slobbery crushes everybody is a part of growing up you see a celebrity and you're like oh my god they're hot and you just like fantasize about them and you love them and everything like that and I don't think people should be judged on of their idols like people gets judged on people that love Shawn and like they were like one of my friends like why do you like Shawn like there's really nothing like there's really not But if people be like you should not love this person or you need to stop loving this person just be like OK that is your opinion and I respect it but can you please respect my opinions and if they don't just kill them with kindness like you don't have to fight everybody in this world because trust me there's a lot of that already and I'm not saying all people in this world is bad I'm not saying that at that at all like you have a lot of good people in this world  and like if you're dating somebody and they are making you feel happy and they love you to death does you should stand by that don't go don't be like don't listen to your friends and being like oh him he's not good for you like just give it time and I'm not saying that you can't go to your friends for advice not saying that at all I'm just saying don't believe everything what your friends say and don't believe everything your boyfriend or your significant other says and another part of what we need in this world is people that is loyal and very trustworthy because there's a lot of people in this world that you can't trust and because of how the world is going right now you can't trust a lot of people can I get that and I'm not saying that you have to trust everybody like I'm not saying that you have to trust Everybody but with a little ends I know this is like a very long arm thing but I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading my imagines and I'm sorry that I can't get to my other account I wish I can now I will say this I can't get to my other account but it's well I had to switch phones because I got the I had an iPhone 6 and I got the iPhone 11 and when I switched phones I couldn't remember my password for anything so I am I had to improvise so I you know I got my wattpad Account back and but part of that one I had to change my home email and everything I hope part of the one that I had with the Shawn and Zak  book and everything I couldn't communicate with people like people will be like send me a DM being like hey can you make me imagine and then I would have to go under my one of my imagines to be like yeah Yeah I can make you one I have to comment like this because it won't let me it won't let me comment it won't let me answer GM's show that's why and then one day I was checking on my account and all of a sudden my  screen went black and then it went back to normal and then I clicked on wattpad and it logged me out and I was crying while I was almost crying I was freaking out I'm like what do I do I have people read those books that's counting on me and I can't do anything for that and one of my best friends was like it's OK it's OK just make a new account and explain to them of what's going on I said all right I will and then that's when I made this account and the one day I was curious so I went on my computer and I downloaded wattpad and it said login so I reentered my old information and then that's when I got my old account back I was so excited I'm like oh my gosh yes I'm so happy when I go write a long message to you guys on there is that it was a long one too and then I go to post and I said you need a valid email so I went on and went on one on and I couldn't and then that's when I told y'all that you had to stick with this book and I'm trying to make the best of it by having a new account to come up with new imagines and and I'm trying hard but I forget that I have a book and stuff and I'm normally just like relaxing just watching YouTube or Tiktok and I forget that I have a book here and I'm like oh my gosh I need upload and everything like that  And then that's why I've been a little bit been a little bit distant or not riding much imagines because I'm trying to relax I am trying to give y'all some space and because I don't want to write imagine after imagimw after imagine and then y'all get tired of it and that's why I don't post like every day that's why I try to post every other day because I try to post every other day just so my chapters or my stories can see again before I make a new one you know of that and then I don't know what I'm a do but I'm not going to do one on Sunday but I don't know which one I'm going to do because I'm gonna try to make them different then like my other ones you know I'm trying to make them different so you guys won't be like oh this is the same one that I read like last week or something so that's why but yeah I just wanted to come on here and say happy New Year's and I hope y'all had a safe and healthy and fun New Year's Eve and hopefully 2021 is better lol I love you guys thank you ❤❤❤❤

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