Drunk in love

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You are at home watching pretty little liars when a drunk Shawn stumbles in
Shawn/ hiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Y/n hey babe you ok
Shawn/ why are you calling me babe I'm not your boyfriend you are to pretty to be my girlfriend
Y/n Shawn I am you girlfriend hahah
Shawn/ no
Y/n come on let's get you changed
You help Shawn into the bedroom and you start taking off his shirt but he stops you
Shawn/no only my girlfriend is allowed to see me naked
Y/n I am your girlfriend
You finished helping him you leave him in the room to start a bath
Y/n you ready for a bath
Shawn/ yes
You take him into the bathroom and he sits there and you go get him a cup of water
Y/n here drink this
Shawn/ why
Y/n because I said
He takes it and drinks it
Y/n thank you
You take the cup and sit on the floor by the bath
Shawn/ thank you
Y/n for
Shawn/ for taking care of me
Y/n you're welcome baby
You sit there until he finishes then you go in the bedroom and he gets dressed and lays down on you
Y/n you feeling ok
You lay there for a lil just watching tiktok
Shawn/ hey
Y/n yes
Shawn/ I'm so lucky to have you
Y/n awww baby
You kiss him
You go back to tiktok until you hear snoring so you put your phone down and kiss his head
Y/n I love you baby
Then you go to bed
I hope you guys enjoyed ❤️❤️

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