Album Stressed

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You and Shawn are sleeping and all of a sudden Shawn's alarm goes off he jumps outta bed and starts getting ready and your on the bed thinking why does he have to get up so early and you start getting mad because you think shawn needs a break from everything and just relax because you love him and only want what's best for him so you get up and go in the closet where Shawn's at
Y/n baby why do you have to do this
Shawn/ because I need to finish this album I'll be back a 12 am I promise
Y/n see this is what I'm talking about
You go down stairs and into the kitchen  and shawn follows you
Shawn/ y/n what's wrong
Y/n nothing you won't listen anyways just go I'll see you later
Shawn grabs you and kisses you passionately
Shawn/ I'm not going anywhere my girl is not happy so what's wrong
Y/n ok fine I just feel like your not taking care of yourself and you just care about the album and baby I know you love your fans I know you do because if it wasn't for your fans you wouldn't be who you are today but I hate when you go to the studio and you come home late as hell I want to cuddle and kiss you goodnight and I can't do that when your come home late
You say in tears at this point
Shawn/ ohhh baby come here I'm sorry
Shawn hug's you and you start crying even harder
Shawn/ baby I'm so sorry to be honest I have been feeling stressed but I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want my problems to become your problems
Y/n Shawn come on that's a part of being in a relationship of being there and having the same problems and I get that you don't to bring the stress on me but I don't want you to be stressed
Shawn/ I know but your my girl and I want you to live in a world without stress
Y/n I know baby but I really care about you and I want you to take care of yourself
Shawn/ I will but I just hate seeing you upset because of my job and I feel like you are going to leave me if I keep doing this
Y/n Shawn if I wanted to leave you I wouldn't be here right now I love and I care about you I just want you to think of yourself more I know that you love your fans and I love them to and I know that you want to do everything for them because I know you're incredible man and I know your feelings love and respect you but I want you to respect yourself and take care of yourself more
Shawn/ I will do you still love
Y/n does this answer your question
You kiss Shawn with so much passion
Shawn/ yes it does
Y/n so can you please stay and go in tomorrow just take a break for today
Shawn/ anything for you baby just let me call Andrew
Shawn goes and calls Andrew
Shawn/ hey Andrew I'm not coming in today I'm going to take a break if that's okay
Andrew/ of course enjoy your break
Shawn/ thanks man see ya
Shawn hangs up with Andrew and he comes back to you
Shawn/ so what should we do my love
Y/n let's cuddle
You guys go into the bedroom and lay down
Shawn/ baby
Y/n yes
Shawn/ can I lay on your chest
Y/m of course baby you know you can always lay on my chest you don't have to ask
Shawn lays down on your chest and you guys fall asleep together
I hope you guys enjoy it if you did let me know I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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