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You are at home doing homework while your boyfriend Shawn is at the studio you are so stressed and so tired you just want to say screw it and stop doing the work but you can't because you want to pass and go to college but in order to do that you have to do the work you were so focused on you didn't know shawn came home
Shawn/ hey baby I'm home
Y/n k
Shawn stops in his tracks and looks at you
Shawn/ baby are you ok
Y/n yeah why
Shawn/ well because I told you I was home and you just said k
Y/n oh I'm sorry Shawn
Shawn/ it's ok look in going to take a shower ok
Y/n ok baby I love you
Shawn/ I love you
Shawn goes to take a shower and your still doing work you have a big test in two days Shawn gets out of the shower and comes in the bedroom
Shawn/ baby let's cuddle
Y/n no I can't
Shawn/ what why not
Y/n because Shawn I have work to do
Shawn/ can't you just stop just for a little
You scream at Shawn
Shawn/ ok
Shawn leaves the room and you feel bad but you can't stop working it's been a few hours and the guilt from yelling at Shawn gets to you all of a sudden you hear a knock at your bedroom door
Shawn/ honey can I come in
Y/n please
Shawn comes in the room and sits beside you
Shawn/ hey
Y/n hi
You start to cry and Shawn hugs you
Shawn/ awww baby don't cry
Y/n I'm sorry I yelled at you it's just I'm so stressed because I have a test in two days and if I fail and I don't get to graduate
Shawn/ awww baby yes you will you are the smartest person I know
Y/n your just saying that
Shawn/ no I'm not look you are the smartest person in the world and you will graduate because
Y/n because what
Shawn/because I know you will and I'm going to help you
Y/n no Shawn you don't have to
Shawn/ but I want to
Y/n I love you and thank you for being here even though I'm stressed and tired
Shawn/ it's ok baby because you have been there for me and I love you
Y/n I love you
Shawn/ so have about this I'll help study for two hours then we can cuddle how about that
Y/n I love that
You guys kiss and studied and you passed the test
I know it sucks it was way better in my head lol but if you guys did enjoy this please let me know and let me know if you want more kinda like this and I love you guys so much ❤️❤️❤️

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