Thank you for being there

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You have been fighting with your mom all day because you can't focus in school so you're grades haven't been good
Mom/ answer my question
Y/n I already told you
Mom/ no you told me a lie now why is your grades been down
Y/n mom I've done told you I can't focus
Mom/ well then answer me this why  can't you focus
Y/n because  the stuff that we're learning is hard and I need help but no one wants to help me
Mom/ you have not once told me or ask me in fact that you needed help with that and you've been having trouble
Y/n yes I did I literally told you the other day hey mom I'm having a little bit of trouble in class can you help me
Mom/ well then I don't remember that
Y/n so that's why my grades has been down it's been stressful
Mom/ all I have to say is just make sure those grades are up by next week
Y/n are you kidding me I literally told you that I needed help and you give me a week to keep my grades up and I done told you I've been having trouble
Mom/ just go to your room
Y/n seriously
Mom/ yes now go
You run upstairs in your bed crying your eyeballs out until you get a text message
Shawn/ hey do you wanna come over and watch a movie Brian and Connors here
Y/n no I'm OK
Shawn/ are you sure because you never really turn down a  movie night
Y/n yeah I'm OK I just wanna be left alone
Shawn/ why what's wrong
Y/n I'll give you two words
Shawn/ you're mother
Y/n bingo she done yelled at me because my grades has been down
Shawn/ OK that's it I'm gonna cancel with Brian and Connor and I'm gonna come pick you up and we're gonna go driving
Y/n I would like that but you can't just cancel on your friends and plus I probably can't go out because of her
Shawn/ your mom loves me I'll just Text her  and tell her that you're going to come watch a movie with us
Y/n that would never work
Shawn/ trust me I know it will see you soon
Shawn stops texting in a little while later you get a knock at your door
Mom/ hey you can go with Shawn but you better be back after the movie
Y/n ok
Your mom leaves and you hear the horn beeping and it's Shawn so you go downstairs and you get in his car and you hug him
Shawn/ OK so what happened
Y/n OK so I come in she has my grades in her hand and she's already mad she said answer my question why has your grades been down I told her I said mom I'm having trouble and I can't focus she said no you didn't tell me I said yes I did I told you that I've been having trouble and I need help she said you did no such thing I said yes I did she said all I Gotta say is you better have your grades up by next week I told her I said are you serious I've told you that I've been having trouble in class and that I need help and you're going to give me a week to keep my grades up she said yes now go to your room I said are you kidding me she said yes now go and I went upstairs it's like she don't see that I'm struggling
Shawn/ I know but what have I told you before
Y/n I don't know
Shawn/ I told you if your mom is giving you any trouble you can come stay with me for a couple of days and I can help you study
y/n I know it's just a wish I wouldn't struggle so much
Shawn/ I know but that's gonna come in life you're going to struggle but then you're gonna get back up and you're gonna get it
Y/n thank you I feel little bit better
Shawn/ you're welcome I'm here for
Y/n can I say something
Shawn/ of course
Y/n I know me and you have been friends for three years but I just want to say thank you for always being there for me and thank you for just helping me when I'm struggling the most and thank you for not judging me
Shawn/ you're welcome you know I never judge you right
Y/n yeah that's what makes you the best
Shawn/ thank you now I have a question for you
Y/n yes
Shawn/ I know we've been friends for three years but I have to say this I can't hold it back anymore I love you so much
Y/n awwww I love you too Shawn
Shawn/ no not that kind of love I mean I love love you like you always lift my mood and you're always there when I need you and I just want to ask you Will you go on a date with me
Y/n I thought you never asked yes
Shawn/ really
Y/n yes and quite frankly I've had feelings for you since we first met
Shawn/ really
Y/n really really
You go to hug Shawn and you turn your head and you kiss him
Y/n it's a date
Shawn/ it's a date
You and Shawn drive around for a little bit and then he takes you back home and you and your mom have a talk
I hope you guys enjoy this yes I know it's a little long and I'm sorry Lol 😂😂💗💗

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