Your jealous

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You and your boyfriend Shawn are a date to this fancy restaurant
And you had to go to the bathroom and when you come back and you see a girl flirting with Shawn you you start to cry and Shawn see this and your about to turn away a run but you see the girl giving Shawn her number you go after her
Y/n hey bitch get away from my boyfriend
RandomGirl/ ummmmm excuse me honey he can do better
You start crying and you look at Shawn
Y/n are you going to say something
You stood there and waiting for Shawn's response and nothing
Y/n you know what I thought you loved me I guess not
You run out crying
Randomgirl/ it's okay sweetie come on I'll show you a good time
Shawn/ stop you are disgusting I don't want you I want her
Shawn runs after you and you get a cab and go home Shawn drives and comes home to you in your bedroom
Shawn/ baby wait
Y/n what I don't even want to talk to you go with that slut you apparently love  her more than me
Shawn/ you know what that's enough
Shawn comes after you with his phone in his hand and grabs you and passionately kisses you and records it
Shawn/ I'm going to call her rn and send her the video
Y/n seriously Shawn after you kissed me
Shawn doesn't answer you and calls the girl and puts her on speaker
Randomgirl/ I knew you would come through baby so let's talk
Shawn/ yeah let's talk look Im in a amazing relationship with my girl and I don't appreciate you giving me your number and all you want to do is hook up sorry but I don't roll that way I love my girl so much if your so desperate find a sugar daddy because I don't want you I want my beautiful sexy amazing always there for me babygirl and when I saw her coming over to us I was like yes finally because you were making me uncomfortable with the stuff you were saying now do yourself a favor lose my number because I'm in a happy relationship and this is the girl I want to marry so I'm going to block you don't ever talk to me again or my girlfriend  bye
Shawn hangs up
Shawn/ look I'm sorry I love you so much I don't want to lose you I was stupid I should've talked back at the restaurant I love you so much
You kiss Shawn
Y/n I'm so sorry baby I forgive you I'm sorry I was jealous I just want you to myself
Shawn/ baby I know I want you all to myself to I forgive you and to be honest I love that you got jealous it's sexy
Y/n really
Shawn/ yes
Y/n so did you mean everything you said
Shawn/ of course baby I want to marry you have kids with you and grow old with you I love you
Y/n I love you
You guys kiss
Shawn/ how about we go cuddle
Y/n yes please
You guys cuddle for the rest of the night and your happy your man is yours and yours only
I hope you guys like it if you did let me know and thank you for 100 readers I love you guys

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