Can you please come back home

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You are at home and Shawn is on tour and you guys are FaceTiming and you miss him so much because it's been three months since you guys cuddled and seen each other in person and you knew dating Shawn would be a little hard because he's a popstar but you didn't think it was going to be tough but now  it's getting to you
Shawn/ my fans were so crazy last night they were screaming
Y/n aww really
Shawn/ yeah it was so cool I love going on stage because it makes me feel happy
Y/n awwww I'm glad
You stop talking for a little bit and stare into space and Shawn looks at you concerned
Shawn/ baby are you ok
Y/n yeah I'm fine just had a long day
Shawn/ awww I'm sorry is there anything that I can do to help
Y/n well I mean you could come home
Shawn/ awww sweetie I would but I can't I'm on tour for five more months
Y/n I know and I'm glad that you're doing your dream and I'm glad that you are happy but I'm just miserable and sad here by myself
Shawn/ what do you mean you have Tarzan
Y/n yes I do have Tarzan and he keeps me warm at night but I miss you I miss you laying beside me I miss cuddling you I miss laying my head on your chest and talking about our days
Shawn/ awwww baby I'm sorry
Y/n it's OK I just don't wanna sound selfish because I know this is your job and I know you're really passionate about it and everything
Shawn/ hey don't call yourself selfish that's not true you don't sound selfish I know how you feel I've been feeling that ever since I left
Y/n really
Shawn/ yeah and I talked to Andrew and well Pack your bags
Y/n what you're kicking me out we're breaking up
Shawn/ oh god sweetie no I mean Pack your bags for five months
Y/n why
Shawn/ because you're coming on tour with me
Y/n what  but I have school
(by the way you are in college to get your masters degree in teaching if you want to change that you can it's up to you)
Shawn/ I know but I got a hold of your principal and he's going to let you do school on the road with me
Y/n are you serious
Shawn/ yes now I'm going to be performing tomorrow and doing sound check and everything so Brian is going to come and pick you up
Y/n ok
You start crying and Shawn looks at you worried
Shawn/ are you OK
Y/n yeah I'm just excited these are happy tears
Shawn/ good I'm glad well I have to get off of here because it's 12 in the morning and we're going to be meeting fans tomorrow and doing sound check and everything
Y/n ok I love you
Shawn/ I love you to goodnight
Y/n good night
You hang up go to sleep then the next morning Brian comes to pick you up to take you to Shawn
I hope you guys enjoyed this sorry for the lack of uploading I just don't have any ideas lol but yeah I hope you enjoy❤️❤️❤️

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