Backup dancer

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You are a dancer in you guys are having class and it's in Toronto Because you live in Toronto so you're dancing when your  teacher tells you to stop
Teacher/ ok guys we have someone here to watch us  dance
You look confused until you see SHAWN MENDES the girls start screaming so do you
Shawn/ hi guys I'm just here to learn new choreography because I'm going on for it's called the wonderland tour
You and the girls freaking out with your teacher how do you stop
Teacher/ ok girls stop mr Mendes is just like us
So you start and Shawn starts joining in and you start to freak out again but you keep your cool and continued to dance you guys are dancing for a hour and your teacher tells you to take a break you decided to talk to Shawn
Y/n ummmm hi
Shawn/ hey I'm Shawn Mendes
Y/n I know I'm a big fan
Shawn/ oh awesome
Y/n yeah hey can I get a pic with you
Shawn/ of course honey
You guys take a picture together
Teacher/ ok so girls Shawn has a important question to ask
Shawn/ oh yeah ok girls
Girls/ yes
Shawn/ I really love everyone's dancing so I talked to your teacher how would you guys feel about going on tour with me
The girls scream so do you again
Girls/ yes we loved to
Shawn/ OK cool tour starts in about a week my manager will come pick you guys up in the bus and I'll see you guys then
Girl/ ok bye Shawn
Shawn/ bye girls
So the week is over and you guys are on tour and  your very first show is in Florida you guys are so nervous because you never danced in front of a crowd and let alone Shawn Mendes is going to be there 
Girls/ we are scared Shawn
Shawn/ girls you don't have to be you guys are going to kill it OK so the first song I'm gonna be doing is wonder like right when I walk out you guys are gonna come with me and we are going to do wonder together
Girls/ ok
Shawn/ hey y/n
Y/n yeah
Shawn/ so I want to do this thing but I don't have anyone to do it with so I'm thinking that person is you
Y/n really
Shawn/ yeah want to do it
Y/n of course
You guys go out on  stage with Shawn and you guys start dancing and Shawn picks you up spins your room dips your head down and pulls  your back up and you star into his eyes and he stars back until yours and the rest of the night was incredible And you can't wait for more shows
I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did let me know I love you guys 💕💕💕

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