I want to help you study

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You are in you're bedroom doing homework while Shawn is in his gaming room playing a game you are so tired and mad that you could literally scream you decide. To in and see Shawn
Y/n hey baby
Shawn/ hey baby girl what's up
Y/n nothing
Shawn can tell you're lying
Shawn/ you sure
Y/n yes I'm sure
Shawn/ baby I know you're lying what's wrong
Y/n both Shawn play you're game
You walk out of his room into the living room
Shawn/ baby
Y/n what Shawn
Shawn/ sweetie what's wrong
Y/n I told you I'm fine
Shawn/ please tell me what's wrong I want to help in anyway I can
Y/n well I didn't want to bother you because you were playing a game but
Shawn/ but what
Y/n we only have two weeks of school and I'm stressing because I'm afraid I'm not going to pass
Shawn/ aww sweetie
Shawn hugs you and you cry in his arms
Shawn/ baby it's going to be ok
Y/n Shawn no it's not I'm so stressed I can't even focus
Shawn/ baby lay down
Y/n why
Shawn/ just do it please
Y/n ok
You lay down and Shawn starts rubbing you're back
Shawn/ how does that feel
Y/n amazing but baby you don't have to you can go back to you're game
Shawn/ no baby all I care about is you right now
Shawn does this for a little while
Shawn/ ok baby I have a idea
Y/n what is it
Shawn/ how about I help u study
Y/n aww baby I would love that but you can't you have other stuff to do
Shawn/ baby I'm going to help you Study because I don't like it when my girls stressed because of school
Y/n awww I love you
Shawn/ I love you to
Shawn kisses you
Shawn/ ok how about this we will eat dinner because it's 8:00pm and after we eat you can cuddle with me and I'll help you study
Y/n I love that idea thank you so much how did I get so lucky
Shawn/ you do you mean me because I'm the luckiest man and the world because I have you I love you
Y/n I love you
I hope you guys enjoyed if you did let me know I love you guys so much 💕💕💕💕💕

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