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You are getting ready to walk the red carpet you are nominated for a Grammy for best new album and you're in your dressing room getting ready
Sister/ oh my God it would be so sick if you would win tonight like winning a Grammy is like everything you could want
Y/n I know, but I doubt that I will win
Sister/ why
Y/n well because the other nominees are so much better than me
Sister/ like who
Y/n well there's Ariana Grande, Doja Cat, Shawn Mendes and Miley Cyrus
Sister/ wait before you started music didn't you have a crush on Shawn
Y/n that's not the point
Sister/ wait so I was right you did have a crush on him
Y/n fine yes, I did have a crush on him
Sister/ oh my god what are you gonna do if you guys get seated by each other
Y/n then I will quietly freak out
You get done getting ready and you're walking the red carpet and you see Shawn and you start to freak out a little bit
Y/n omg omg there he is ahhh act normal
You smile for the cameras and then you get seated in your seat and you look behind you and he is seated right behind you 
Y/n well, he's not right beside me, but he's behind me
Sister/ haha are you ok
Y/n no
The Grammys starts, and it gets to the best album
Olivia Rodrigo/ and the Grammy goes to y/n
You start freaking out you cannot believe you won. You go up you get your reward you say your speech and you're walking to your seat to tell your sister that you have to use the bathroom and then you are heading to the bathroom when someone grabs you
Shawn/ hey
Y/n oh umm hi
Shawn/ congratulations on winning you totally deserve it
Y/n thank you but you deserve it more than I do
Shawn/ no so where are you heading?
Y/n bathroom
Shawn/ I will walk you out
He walks you out to the bathroom. You use the bathroom and you come back and he's waiting for you.
Y/n thank you for taking me if you can't realize this is my very first Grammy, and going to the Grammys
Shawn/ I can tell
Y/n oh my God is it that noticeable
Shawn/ yes
Y/n hey, you probably didn't know this but I'm kind of freaking out because I'm a huge fan
Shawn/ I can tell
Y/n oh my God I am not that secretive am I
Shawn/ no but it's cute
You are thinking in your mind. Oh my God, Shawn Mendes just called you cute
Y/n so you going to the after party
Shawn/ probably for a little bit. Why are you going?
Y/n yeah but I was afraid because I don't really know anybody and I didn't want to feel uncomfortable
Shawn/ well I can take you
Y/n you mean like a date
Shawn/ yeah that's if only you want to and if you're comfortable with that
Y/n oh, I'm very good with that
Shawn/ haha OK we probably should go before it starts
Y/n OK
You guys head back in and have fun and then you go to the after party and you go home with shawn mendes number
I hope you guys enjoyed this. It's a little bit different than what I write. It's just since the Grammys was Sunday and I know Shawn wasn't there but I still wanted to incorporate the Grammys and shawn 

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