Why are you with him

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(Shawn's pov)
I'm at school it's the last day finally I can focus on my music I'm walking down the halls until I see my best friend y/n I mean I really like her more then a friend but I don't think she likes me like that
Shawn/ hey y/n what's up
Y/n ummm hi Shawn
Shawn/ are you okay
Y/n yup never better I have to go bye Shawn
Shawn/ oh okay bye
Something is up with her but what she tells me everything  i get home and i go to my room and my mum knocks on the door
Shawn/ come in
Karen/ hey baby how was the last day of school
Shawn/ it was good
Karen/ well that's good hey I'm making dinner do you want to invite y/n
Shawn/ yea if that's okay
Karen/ of course honey
Shawn/ thank you mum I love you
Karen/ I love you to
Mum leaves my room and I text y/n
(Text convo)
Shawn/ hey y/n do you want to come for dinner my mum is making her famous chicken Alfredo
Y/n no I'm good
Shawn/ oh okay
Y/n hey I'm busy I'll text you later ok
Shawn/ oh okay sure
(End of convo)
Ok something is definitely wrong with her she loves having dinner with us
It's the next day and I'm going to see y/n because she wasn't right yesterday so I'm going to check on her and make sure she's okay
Shawn/ y/n are you here
Y/n Shawn why are you here
Shawn / what happened to your face
Y/n it's nothing now please answer my question why are you here
Shawn/ to see if your okay
Y/n well I am so you can leave
Shawn / clearly your not okay
Y/n yes I am
Shawn/ why won't tell me what's going on
Y/n Shawn I'm okay NOW LEAVE
Shawn/ I'm not leaving until you tell me what happened
Y/n please
Shawn/ no now please let me in
She steps aside and I go in and I get her some tea and I sit down with her
Shawn/ here
Y/n thank you
Shawn/ now what's wrong
Y/n I can't tell you
Shawn/what do you mean you can't tell me
Y/n Shawn it's really personal I can't
Shawn/ ok I get it I just want you to trust me
Y/n I do trust you it's just
Shawn/ it's just what
Y/n fine I'll tell you just promise me it stays just between us
Shawn/ yea totally
Y/n okay
She takes a deep breath before speaking again
Y/n I've been dating this guy
Shawn/ yea
Y/n well he started cheating on me and I told him i can't be with him anymore and he basically turned possessive
Shawn/ possessive like how
She starts tearing up
Y/n well he beats me and calls me names
Shawn/ oh my god that dick
Y/n Shawn it's okay
Shawn/ no it's not okay he's beating you like seriously why are you still with him
Y/n because he threatened to kill me if i left
Shawn/ you have to go to the police
Y/n NO I can't
Shawn/ you need to you can't live like this
Y/n I can't I'm sorry
A car shows up in the drive way
Y/n you have to go that's him
Shawn/ I can't leave you alone with him
Y/n you have to
Shawn/ no I'm not leaving
Her boyfriend comes in
Boyfriend/ who is this are you cheating on me you little slut
Shawn/ HEY don't talk to her like that
Boyfriend/ was I talking to you I don't think so and plus I can talk to her in any way I want she's my ho
Shawn/ I said don't talk to her like that
Boyfriend/ do you mind getting out
Shawn/ I'm not leaving make me leave
Boyfriend/ with pleasure
He comes after me but i dodged him and i push him out the door he falls to the ground
Boyfriend/ hey I know you your that stupid kid that likes my girl
Shawn/ yes I am and I would treat her better than you can ( see what I did there 😏🤣🤣🤣)
He comes after me and pushes me down and starts punching me
Y/n stop get off of him
(No bodies POV) y/n runs in the house and calls the police the police arrive and y/n tells them everything and they take him to jail
Y/n Shawn are you okay
Shawn/ I don't care about me I care about you
Y/n I'm fine but I have a question
Shawn/ what
Y/n what he said was it true
Shawn/ maybe
Y/n Shawn why didn't you tell me
Shawn/ because I didn't know if you liked me back
Y/n that's not true
Shawn/ what
Y/n yea ive always loved you
Shawn/ really
Y/n yea
Y/n leans in and kisses Shawn Shawn kisses back
Y/n I love you
Shawn/ I love you
Y/n can we go home now
Shawn/ yes
Shawn and y/n went home and about a week over they started dating
I hope you guys enjoy this I apologize it's long lol I love you guys 💗💗

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