Halloween decorating

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You are decorating the house to make it look scary when Shawn comes in
Shawn/ baby what are you doing
Y/n I'm decorating hehe
Shawn/ why
Y/n because I love Halloween and I like decorating
Shawn/ true
Y/n wanna help
Shawn/ yes of course
You guys decorate together
Y/n so after this do you want to make Halloween cookies and watch scream
Shawn/ is that even a question yes
You guys get done decorating and you look at everything you did
Y/n I love it thank you baby
Shawn/ you are welcome my princess
You go to the kitchen to make the cookies
Shawn/ I'm so excited for Halloween we need to do a haunted house or something
Y/n well there is a haunted museum in Vegas I wanna go to
Shawn/ oooo okay
You put the cookies in the oven and go upstairs and change into pjs
Y/n baby wanna match with Halloween pjs
Shawn/ of course
You guys get dressed and get the cookies and watch scream
Y/n I love you and this this is my favorite we do together
Shawn/ me to I love you
You guys kiss and watch scream
I hope you enjoy I know it wasn't very much detail but I'm thinking of ideas 🩷🩷

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