Leave her alone

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You are at this party that your friend dragged you to and you're just sitting down when you see your ex
Ex/ hey baby
Y/n im not your baby
Ex/ yes you are look i want you back
Y/n yea in your dreams buddy
Ex/ lets go to the bathroom and talk about this
He says while grabbing your arm
Y/n hey let go of my arm your hurting me
Ex/ does it look like i care
Shawn/ ummm i think you should
Ex/ and who are you
Shawn/ im Shawn so you better let her alone
Ex/ and what if i don't
Shawn/ lets just say that pretty face of yours is going to become bloody
Ex/ i don't think you have the balls
Shawn/ oh really
Shawn punchs your ex right in the face
Ex/ bro your crazy
He runs away
Shawn/ thank you hey are you ok
Y/n yea im ok
Shawn/ how do you know him
Y/n well believe it or not i used to date him
Shawn/ really that piece of crap you could do better
Y/n hahah like you
Shawn/ actually yes haha
Y/n im y/n
Shawn/ im Shawn hey how about I take you out for a nice dinner and maybe a movie if you're up for it
Y/n wait are you asking me on a date
Shawn/ oh no no no no no just a friendly guy taking a beautiful girl out
Y/n it actually sounds like a date to me
Shawn/ OK well then maybe it is haha so what are you say
Y/n I say I'm up for it
Shawn/ thank God hahah I thought I was gonna have to get on my knees and beg here let me put my number in your phone
Y/n OK
you gave Shawn your phone and he put his number in it and you get his phone and he put your number in it
Shawn/ OK so we're all set see you later gorgeous
Y/n see you later
I hope you guys enjoy this  and yeah i love you guys 💞💞💞

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