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So you're sitting at home on your bed and it's your birthday in two days and you really wanna meet Shawn but you don't think it's gonna happen because he's a celebrity and you just don't think he's ever going to meet you or see you so you're just sitting down on your phone and your parents come in your room
Urmom/ hey sweetie we have an early birthday present for you
Y/n Mom but my birthday is not until two days
Urmom/ I know sweetie but this birthday present can't wait
You think it's a puppy
Urmom/ ok we are ready
Your mom tells you to close your eyes so you close them in all of a sudden you get a whiff of men's cologne that is not your dads or your brothers so you're thinking what in the world is this
Urmom/ ok sweetie open
So you open your eyes and you you see the one person you've been wanting to meet forever and that is Shawn Mendes
Shawn/ hi honey
You start to cry and you asked Shawn or something
Y/n Can I jump on you and hug you
Shawn/ of course honey
So you jumped in mid air in the Shauns arms almost knocking him over you are crying so hard that you can't control yourself in the back of your mind just thinking oh my God Shawn Mendes thinks I am stupid and Shawn spinning spinning you around in you're crying harder because you cannot believe that he's here he's in your room you are hugging the Shawn Mendes
Y/n omg I love you
Shawn/ I love you too honey I am glad that I am here to make your birthday hopefully special
Y/n yes you are
You get off Shawn and your mom starts talking
Urmom/ so isn't there something you would like to ask Shawn that you've been telling me and your father what you what do you if you ever met him
Y/n oh my god this is embarrassing but I told them that if I ever met you I would cuddle you
Shawn/ aw that's not embarrassing I love it come on let's do it
Y/n wait are you serious
Shawn/ yeah of course let's lay down
You lay down on your bed and Sean push you into his arms and you're like freaking out because you are cuddling Shawn Mendes your crush your everything
Y/n wait how all are you here for
Shawn looks at your mother in kind of a surprise asking for permission kind of thing
Shawn/ should I tell her
Urmom/ go ahead
You look at Shawn surprise in the back of your mind you're thinking what the heck is going on why did he ask my mom and this is just weird what is what's going on
Shawn/ well this was supposed to be a surprise but I guess your mom said it was OK for me to tell you ummm you know my tour that I'm having in like a week after your birthday party
Y/n yeah
Shawn/ well when your parents was planning the surprise for you I asked them I said since she's turning 16 this year is it OK if if she comes with me and first aid told me no because they were like we don't want her to get hurt but I told him I said I have security I will have double security if you'll let me take her and then when I'm done I'll bring her back and I promise I will keep her safe
Y/n so what are you saying
Urmom/ oh my gosh I'll just tell you're you're going on tour with Shawn Mendes
You stream while getting out of Shawn's embrace
Shawn/ yes it's true you're going on tourist me it's going to be a yearly tour so basically you're going on tour for me for you you're gonna have your own bedroom you're gonna be able to come on stage with me if you want and you'll be around me and you'll get to see how I do things as a star and a moderator
After Shawn said that you immediately burst into tears you were thinking oh my gosh I am so lucky to have the parents and I have
Y/n omggg ahhhhhh
You're crying so hard right now and Shauns thinking that you don't want to go
Shawn/ oh sweetie you don't have to go
Shawn says hugging you
Y/n no Shawn I want going go this is tears of joy I'm so happy right now thank you so much mom and dad I love you
You get off the bed jump in your mother and dad's arms and you're crying and you're thinking of 100 times and they're saying you're welcome
Y/n so when should I pack up hahah
Your parents and Shawn burst out laughing
Shawn/ We're leaving in a week so you can have your party with your family and you can tell your friends that you're going on tour with Shawn Mendes and you get to have a farewell party
Y/n How do you think you so much Shawn like you literally is my favorite person ever you help Mr. dark times you've helped me through life basically and I'm just so happy that I get to do this opportunity
Shawn/ awwww you're welcome honey your parents told me when they contacted me they said hey we want to tell her daughter that she's meeting Shawn Mendes but we decided to have you come at her party and I said no I will surprise her and I'm so glad that I have people like you that are sticking with me and that is just incredible and you guys are my world and if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't be right here right now so I thank you for that
Y/n OMG Shawn I love you so much thank you
Shawn/ I love you too so should we get to sleep
Y/n no because you're gonna have to leave
Shawn/ Who said I had to leave
Y/n my parents don't like me to have people sleep over even in the same bed with me
Urmom/ honey it's OK will let you sleep with Shawn in the bed one time
Y/n Wait are you serious Dad Are you serious
Urdad/ of course honey but you can only sleep with him one night so make it last
Y/n OMG you think you so much
You hug them in your peers shut the door because they're about ready to go to bed and lay down with Shawn
Y/n I can't believe this is happening like I cannot believe I'm literally in bed with the Shawn Mendes
Shawn/ well believe it sweetie it is happening
Do you hug Shawn and you tell him good night and he tells you good night and you fall asleep fast in Shawn's arms
I hope you guys enjoy this I know it's a long one and let me know if you guys like the long ones and BTW I know Shawn is 23 and the character is 16 but let's just say that that doesn't matter with them sleeping in the same bed together they're not doing anything like that so just sleeping so yeah just don't want you guys to be like well he's 23 and she's 16 he shouldn't be doing that like it's a fanfiction it's not real so don't Report me or anything LOL because I've already had a bad week I'll tell you guys what happened Friday I was on Instagram and I have three accounts by the way One account dedicated to my tiktok crush and then another one with mint tiktok Crush and Shawn so basically I made account with my crush and Shawn together anyways so I was on my Mrs. Mendes account and I was scrolling through my feed And all of a sudden something pops up saying Mrs. Mendes just posted and I looked at the picture and it was never a picture that I posted before like it wasn't a sexual picture or anything it was just like a picture that said but to get this one for free or something to that effect It was doing that all day Friday well at 4:30 PM on Friday I have three DM's on Instagram so I decided to go in there and see what it was one then all of a sudden it says we temporarily locked you out of this account I was crying in the car I'm like no no no no no please no I even deleted Instagram and got Instagram back and that still didn't help so we're trying to get that account back but I made another account If you want to you can go follow it's @mrs_mendes16 on Instagram if you wanna go follow but yea so that's how my week has been so I'm sorry that I haven't posted on here for a while it's because I'm trying to get my account back so yeah I love you guys and I hope you guys like the longer ones if you don't just comment and if you do comment I love you guys so much
And thank you so much for 575 readers I love every single one of you guys I really do you guys might not think that I do but I do I love you so much it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't be right here right now so thank you so much I love you ❤️❤️💕💕💕❤️❤️

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