Bad boy

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You're at school and you are about to go in the class when you see the bad boy/sexy boy in the school walking around His name is Shawn Mendes and he is a bad boy he doesn't listen to teachers he go to detention every single day he's skip school every other day or whatever he feels like it and let's just say you have a Secret crush on him and you are very angry at yourself because you don't like him because he is a bad boy but you also can't deny that he sexy neither  you're about to go in the class and he passes you looking you up and down and biting his lip and you just roll your eyes and be like oh he's so disgusting  so school starting so you decide to go to your first class and you have that class with Shawn Mendes
Teacher/ Alright class I'm going to be give you a little assignment you are going to have a egg and you were going to drop it off of the schools Roof and who whoever's egg doesn't break gets 100 on the assignment all right I'm going to pair up Chloe and Alexis Emily and Noah Emma and Jacqueline and y/n with Shawn Mendes
Shawn/ wait so you're tell me I'm going to have to work with this bitch
Y/n like I really wanna work with you neither asshole mr. K are you sure I'm have to work with that
Shawn/ you know I'm a human right and not an  that

Y/n whatever
Teacher/ all right kids settle down I'm sorry Shawn but I can't I've already paired everybody I am sorry I can't I can't pair you with anybody but y/n i'm sorry but I have to anyways that's it for today and the assignment is due in two days so you better get to work
You live class and Shawn follows  right behind you
Y/n you at my place at 5 PM don't be late because I'm not doing this assignment by myself
Shawn/ yeah yeah whatever
It's the end of the school day and you go home and you tell your mom that Shawn is coming over for your assignment
Y/n hey mom a guy at my school is coming over to help me with this assignment that we got paired with so is that OK
Yourmom/ ohhhhh You have a boy coming over should I be worried haha
Y/n mom no he's the bad boy at school and I don't even like him like that we we just got paired to do the stupid assignment
Yourmom/ OK whatever you say just leave your door open
Y/n OMG mom OK fine
It's it's 5 PM and Shawn's not here so you decide to do the assignment by yourself
Shawn/ hey I'm sorry I'm late I I was I had to stay late at school
Y/n oh my God you got in trouble again seriously why can you just stay out of trouble for once
Shawn/ Because that's not who I am anyways let's get the stupid assignment done so I don't want to see you and any more
Y/n please
So you start doing the Assignment and Shawn actually starts helping you Which you found surprising anyways so y'all are finishing doing the assignment and and Shawn looks up at you
Shawn/ look I'm sorry for calling you a bitch
Y/n sure you are can we just finish the stupid assignment please so we don't see each other ever again except for in school
Shawn/ look I just wanted to say I'm sorry for being mean at school the truth is I have a crush on you
Y/n hahahahaha you really think I'm suppose you have a crush on me and that's the reason you're being mean at school I don't think so buddy you're just trying to freaking get attention so can you please just stop and let's finish this
Shawn/ no I'm being serious y/n The reason I mean at school is because I see you with other guys and I just get jealous because I seriously have a crush on you and I've been trying to stop having a crush on you but I can't it's just you're so beautiful and you're so perfect and you're just so nice and me I'm rude mean and horrible but yeah let's finish this
Y/n wait are you being serious
Shawn/ if I wasn't do you really think I would say all that stuff to you if it wasn't true
Y/n well I should probably get it out now I have a crush on you to
Shawn/ wait really
Y/n yeah like when I see you like skip class and like you have detention at actually turns me on
Shawn/ oh really
Y/n yes
You look at each other for a split two minutes and then you start to say something
Y/n so what are we do now
Shawn/ I know what we can do
Shawn kisses you passionately and you kiss back and he pushes the book and everything off your lap
Y/n hey what are you doing were supposed to finish this assignment
Shawn/ Who cares about the assignment
Y/n wait how do I know you don't want me just for sex
Shawn/ do you really think I would do that to you I mean I know I'm a bad boy and all but I respect women
Y/n really
Shawn/ yes I actually like you no wait I love you like you're the person that I wanna be with like you're the person that maybe can change me I would never do that to you or any woman ever and like I said yes I am a bad boy and I don't like school but I would never do that to a woman ever
Y/n i'm sorry I accuse you of that
Shawn/ it's OK if I was in your shoes I would do the same thing so I got a question
Y/n and what is that
Shawn/ Will you be my girlfriend
Y/n does this answer your question
You a kiss Shawn and you push them on the bed and you start kissing him
Shawn/ so where were we
Y/n I don't know maybe you can show me
Shawn/ oh I will and hey
Y/n yes
Shawn/ I like to be called daddy
Y/n oh really
Shawn/ yes
Y/n OK daddy

And then I'm pretty sure everybody knows what happens at the end and then the next morning you and Shawn going to school hand in hand and everybody's talking about you but you don't care you're finally with the love of your life and you don't care
I hope you guys enjoy this we did please tell me in the comments and yes I know this is very longer than my other ones and I'm very sorry it's just when I start writing some thing I have a lot of ideas in my head and I'm like I could use these you know yeah I hope you liked it and if you did please let me know and thank you so much for 222 readers I love y'all so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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