Gamer girl

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Your a YouTuber and you are sick with a cold you're sleeping right now you wake up feeling horrible your nose is clogged your throat hurts and you sound terrible you start coughing which wakes Shawn up
Shawn/ baby are you ok
Y/n yes baby go back to sleep
You say coughing
Shawn/ now baby your sick let me take care of you
Y/n no Shawn I'm fine
Shawn/ I don't care what you say your sick and I'm going to take care of you
Shawn goes to get you medicine and gets you something to drink
Shawn/ take and drink this
You take the medicine and drink your water Shawn give you
Y/n thank you baby I'm so sorry I woke you up
Shawn/ it's ok baby why didn't you tell me you were sick
Y/n because I didn't want to worry you
Shawn/ aw baby
Shawn hugs you
Shawn/ let's try to get sleep
Y/n ok
Shawn cuddles you and you guys go to sleep
You guys wake up and you remember you have a video to make
Y/n oh crap
Shawn/ what
Y/n I have a video to do
Shawn/ no baby you can't
Y/n I have to
Shawn/ I'll do it
Y/n you can't
Shawn/ yes I can it's not that hard
Y/n Shawn you have never played a game before
Shawn/ ok I'll learn please let me do it your sick
Y/n ok
Shawn/ ok I'll go do that and you stay here
Y/n ok I love you
Shawn/ I love you
Shawn goes to your recording room and starts recording
Shawn/ hey guys umm y/n is sick so I had to do this I hope you guys are ok with that
Shawn starts playing and starts dying you hear him from the bedroom
So you go to the room and sit on Shawn's lap
Shawn/ baby why are you here
Y/n because you heard you yelling
Shawn/ oh that's because I keep dying
Y/n see I told you
Shawn/ well I wanted to do it because your sick
Y/n but baby I'm fine hi guys
You finish you video and you kiss Shawn
Y/n thank you for trying to help
Shawn/ you're welcome how do you feel
Y/n I'm ok I'm tired though
Shawn/ ok tell you what let's go get you a bath a d while your doing that I'll make something to eat and after your done let's lay down and watch a movie
Y/n I love that
Shawn/ good I'm glad now let's get you a bath started
Shawn kisses you and you kiss him back and you took your bath and you fall asleep watching harry Potter
I hope you guys enjoy this if you did let me know the reason I wrote this is because I'm sick rn and no it's not covid it's just a cold and I just had this idea so yeah I hope you guys enjoy this I love you guys 💕💕💕💕 and thank you for 929 readers we are getting so close to 1k I love you guys so much and thank you for sticking with me I love you guys 💕💕💕💕💕

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