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You are laying down sleeping with your boyfriend Shawn and you start to hear something so you wake up and find that Shawn isn't in bed with you you go check and you find him in the bathroom throwing up you go behind him and rub his back
Y/n baby are you okay
Shawn/ no I think Im getting the flu
Y/n awww baby I'm sorry let me go get you some water
You leave Shawn alone just until you get the water
You go back to Shawn and make him drink water
Y/n let's get you back to bed
You help Shawn into bed
Shawn/ baby no I can't I have to go to the  studio because I'm working on a new song
Y/n baby your not doing anything but lay down and relax I'll call Andrew and tell him you're not coming
You grab your phone and call Andrew
Andrew/ hey y/n where's Shawn
Y/n yeah about that he's not coming
Andrew/ awww why
Y/n he's getting the flu
Andrew/ ok thank you for telling me tell him I said I hope he feels better
Y/n I will thank you Andrew bye
Andrew/ bye
You get off the phone and Shawn asks you what he said
Y/n he said he hopes you feel better
Shawn/ ok thank you
Y/n now let me get medicine
Shawn/ nooooooooo please noooo
Y/n Shawn you won't get better if you don't take it
You go get the medicine and go back to Shawn where he's hiding under the covers
Y/n come on Shawn
Shawn/ No I don't want that nasty shit
Y/n Shawn if you don't take this no sex for a month
Shawn/ you wouldn't
Y/n oh want to try me
Shawn shakes his head no and downs the medicine
Shawn/ there
Y/n see that wasn't so bad was it
Shawn/ it was horrible now come cuddle
You lay down next to Shawn and cuddles into him
Shawn/ thank you for taking care of me love
Y/n you're welcome it's my job
You kiss Shawn
Shawn/ now your going to get sick
Y/n I don't care as long as you take care of me
Shawn/ of course I love you
Y/n I love you to now let's go to sleep
You guys go to sleep and Shawn wakes up feeling better
I hope you guys like it and yes this is have33 lol but if you guys like it please comment if you want more like this I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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