You are watching it without me

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You are in the bath when Shawn yelled for you
Shawn/ baby what are you doing
Y/n I'm in the bath
Shawn/ ok
You are relaxing for a bit then you wash your hair and get out
Y/n baby where are you
Shawn/ I'm downstairs
Y/n okay
You get dressed and head downstairs
Y/n hey baby
You stop  and look at the TV and you see your favorite show on and you look at Shawn

Y/n what is this
Shawn/ the vampire Diaries
Y/n I see that but why are you watching it without me
Shawn/ you were in the bath
Y/n well now you are getting the silent treatment
Shawn/ why
Y/n because you know I love the vampire Diaries
You sit down on the other side of the couch
Shawn/ come cuddle
You stay quiet
Shawn/ baby
Shawn/ baby girl
Still nothing
He gets up and comes closer to you
Shawn/ if you don't say anything I'm going to lay on you
You still say nothing
Shawn/ ok you did this
He lays down on you and you still say nothing
Shawn/ really nothing I know how to get you
He kisses all over you and you start smiling
Shawn/ see haha I got youuuuuu
Y/n shut up
Shawn/ I'm so sorry I watched it without you
Y/n it's okay just don't do it again
Shawn/ I won't I love you
Y/n I love you too
You guys watch the vampire Diaries and fall asleep
I hope you enjoy 💕

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