Mommy daddy look the Easter Bunny came

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You and Shawn is sleeping until your beautiful baby girl came in your room
Ur daughter / Mommy daddy wake up
Shawn/why sweetie
Ur daughter / I think the Easter Bunny came
Shawn/ ok let's go see
Ur daughter / mommy wake up
Y/n I'm awake sweetie
Ur daughter / ok mommy let's go
She gets off of your bed and runs into the kitchen
Y/n someone is excited
Ur daughter / I am mommy
You walk into the kitchen and she starts smiling
Ur daughter / mommy he came
She runs to her Easter basket and starts looking inside
Y/n I see oh wait he left a note
You put up the note from the kitchen table
Ur daughter / what does it say mommy
Y/n it says i'm so happy you like your basket go outside and look in the yard
Ur daughter / what does that mean mommy
Y/n I don't know let's find out
You guys walk out side
Ur daughter / mommy there is a another note
Y/n ok let me see it says I hid some beautiful eggs see if you can find them and if you confirm the biggest egg it has a surprise in it
Ur daughter / yay a egg hunt
she starts walking around in the yard picking up eggs Shawn comes behind you and puts his arms around you
Shawn/ aww look at her
Y/n I know she's so beautiful Shawn I can't believe we made that
Shawn / and I can't believe you married me hahaha
Y/n why do you say that
Shawn/ I don't know because I cannot believe you stayed here this long you know what I mean
Y/n Shawn I'm always here for you  I love you and I married you because I wanted to spend the rest my life with you and you are my soulmate and you still are my soulmate
Shawn/ so I guess I married the right woman
Y/n I guess I married then right man
You guys kiss
Ur daughter / mommy daddy want other help me find eggs it's fun
Y/n of course sweetie we are coming
you and Shawn go out and help your daughter look for eggs and just had a good family day
Thank you so much for reading if you like it please let me know and the reason I kept seeing your daughter is because I'm gonna give you the choice of naming your daughter yourself so that's why I said your daughter a lot yeah I hope you guys enjoy this and thank you so much for reading anything you so much for always being there for me love you guys 💖💖💖💖 

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