Baby Im always going to be there

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You are 6 months pregnant with your husbands Shawn's baby it's 3am right now and you are craving ice cream and cheese and you don't want to wake up Shawn buy you have to
Y/n baby Shawn honey wake up
Shawn/ what baby are you ok is the baby ok
Y/n yes Shawn the baby's fine but can you go to the store and get me ice cream and cheese please
Shawn/ of course baby I'll be back
Shawn goes to the store and gets everything you need and comes back
Shawn/ hey baby I'm back
Y/n ok
Shawn/ I got you ice cream and cheese I already put the cheese in the ice cream
Y/n aww baby thank you
You kiss Shawn and start eating the ice cream
Shawn/ I love you so much and I love you to
Shawn kisses your belly
Y/n baby you can go back to sleep I really didn't want to wake you up
Shawn/ why baby
Y/n well because you have to go to the studio tomorrow to record a song
Shawn/ baby have you not seen my Instagram story
Y/n no why
Shawn/ because I told my fans that I would not be doing music because my gorgeous wife is pregnant and I want to be there for her
Y/n awww Shawn
You start crying
Shawn/ aww baby come here
You sit one Shawn and cry
Y/n I'm sorry it's just the hormones
Shawn/ it's ok
Y/n its just I love you and you want to be there for me and I'm just so grateful
Shawn/ baby I will always be here for you and the baby you guys make me so happy that it's just amazing and I love you thank you so much for being my wife and loving me and carrying my baby I love you
Y/n I love you to Shawn
You guys kiss and Shawn looks at you
Shawn/are you ready to go back to bed
Y/n only if you let me lay on you and cuddle me
Shawn/ of course baby you don't even have to ask now come on
Y/n am I going to crush you
Shawn/ baby don't say that no your not
Y/n ok
You lay down on Shawn and he kisses your head and wraps his arms around you and your belly
Y/n I love you and thank you for taking care of me
Shawn/ of course baby i will always I love you
And you go to sleep feeling safe In your husbands arms
I hope you guys enjoy this if you did let me know and thank you again for 1k I love you guys so much 💗💗💗

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