It's cold

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You and Shawn is sleeping and all of a sudden you get cold
Y/n Shawn baby wake up
Shawn/ hmmm what
Y/n Shawn I'm cold
Shawn/ well  cover up
Y/n Shawn no your not listening the house is cold
Shawn/ I don't think so
Y/n just please get up a turn on the heat
Shawn/ I'll warm you up
Y/n ok but please turn on the heat please
Shawn/ fine
Shawn gets up and turns the heat up
Shawn/ there better
Y/n yes now cuddle me
Shawn/ ummmm excuse Me
Y/n please
Shawn/ that's what I thought
Shawn gets in bed with you
Y/n sometimes I hate that your Dominant
Shawn/ why I thought you loved it
Y/n Shawn it's to early to talk dirty
Shawn/ I know but you love it
Y/n yea yea whatever
Shawn/ hahaha
Y/n can you please cuddle me now
Shawn/ yes baby girl
Y/n thank you
You and Shawn cuddle for a little bit
Y/n Shawn
Shawn/ yes baby girl
Y/n where do you see yourself in five years
Shawn/ well hopefully I'll be married to you and we will have kids and you and the kids would go on tour with me
Y/n awww really
Shawn/ well of course baby
Y/n I love you
Shawn/ I love you to
You and Shawn kiss
Shawn / hey what time is it
Y/n it's four in the morning
Shawn/ I don't feel tired do you
Y/n no
Shawn/ so what do you want to do
Y/n I know
Shawn/ what
Shawn says while kissing you
Y/n watch 13 reasonswhy
Shawn/ that's not what i was thinking about
Y/n please
Shawn / you really want to watch it
Y/n yes
Shawn/ ok we'll watch it
Y/n thank you daddy
Shawn/anything for my baby girl
I hope you guys enjoy I love you guys and happy 2022 ❤️💗💗

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