You think he's cheating

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Shawn has been coming home very late and leaving very early and your getting scared you don't know what he's doing you don't know if he's cheating or something else and you have been depressed and you don't know what to do your on the couch just watching a movie and you hear the door open  it's Shawn
Shawn/ hey  baby I'm back
Y/n hi
Shawn comes and lays with you
Shawn/ Whatcha doing
Y/n nothing
Shawn/ baby what's wrong
Y/n nothing I'm fine 
You get up and walk to the kitchen and Shawn follows
Shawn/ baby seriously what's wrong
Y/n oh my god nothing is wrong just leave me alone
You walk up stairs in you and Shawn's room and just lay down on the bed
Shawn/ ok seriously what did I do
Y/n oh like you don't know
Shawn/ no I I don't
Y/n don't play dumb Shawn you have been coming home late and leaving early who is she
Shawn/ what are you talking about what do you mean who is she
Y/n you're cheating on me am I not good enough for you
You start crying and Shawn knows what your talking about
Shawn/ oh baby no I'm not cheating
Y/n then what are you doing
Shawn/ will it's our  Anniversary tomorrow and I want to do something special for you
Now you feel like shit
Y/n omg Shawn I'm so sorry I Accused you of cheating I'm so sorry
You say crying harder then before
Shawn/ it's okay I forgive you
Shawn kisses you and you kiss back of course
Y/n I love you
Shawn/ I love you but baby you should've known I wasn't cheating on you I love you so much and if I cheated on you I would never forgive myself I love you so much and I will never and I repeat never chest on you ok
Y/n ok I love you
You guys cuddle
Y/n so now that we got that out of the way what do you have planned for tomorrow
Shawn laughs
Shawn/ I don't know you have to find out
You laugh and then you guys kiss and cuddle together and eventually fall asleep
I hope you guys like it let me know if you did and I love you guys so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️ and thank you for 204 readers and I'm so sorry for uploading late I hope you guys don't mind I will try to not do it again ❤️❤️

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