valentine's Day

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you are working at your office when a delivery comes to you
delivery person/ ma'am
Y/n yes
delivery person/ these are for you
they put down a bouquet of flowers and you tell them thank you and you look at the card that is in the flowers
Shawn/ hey babe happy Valentine's Day. I am so sorry that I have to do this but I'm gonna be running a little bit late tonight because the song is taking longer than it needs to but I promise when I get home, we can do something yours truly Shawn. 
you look at the card and you're happy but you're also sad because you were hoping he would be there when you get home
so you get done and you are driving home listening to music and you go home you open the door and you see Rose petals on the floor
Y/n what the hell is this?
Tarzan hears you and he runs up in a little suit, and there is a note attached to his collar
Note/ come upstairs
You give Tarzan pets and you head upstairs and you open your bedroom door to see your boyfriend Shawn standing at the end of the bed with flowers and candy
Y/n awwwww wait I thought you said you were gonna take longer in the studio and you already sent me flowers today
Shawn/ well I was but then Andrew came into the studio and he said go spend time with your girl it's Valentine's Day so I went and picked up chocolate. I went and picked up flowers. I have three movies you can choose from but right now you need to get into the pajamas I laid out for you.
you look at the pajamas and there's two sets one for you one for Shawn and they're matching
Y/n oh my God you're the cutest I swear
Shawn/ thank you so go into the bathroom I already have a bath waiting on you with candles and rose petals and when you get out you could choose one of the movies
you do as he says you go in the bathroom you takeoff your make up you get undressed you sit in the warm bath, and Shawn  comes in and starts talking to you and washing you
Y/n what did I do to deserve you?
Shawn/ that should be the other way around. What did I do to deserve you?
he washes you he washes your body and your hair, and then he tells you to get out and you get out you put your pajamas on and head to the bedroom
Y/n so what's the three movies I get to choose from
Shawn/ well there's Harry Potter, Fifty Shades of Grey or 365 days
Y/n ooo I can't pick
Shawn/ luckily you don't have to. We can watch all of them tonight which one do you wanna watch first
Y/n since you have been nothing but a perfect gentleman you get to pick the first movie we watch
he picks the movie and of course it's Harry Potter. You sit down on your bed and your getting comfortable with your blankets and your snacks and he joined you on the bed. 
Shawn/ oh my God I forgot to give you a kiss when you got home
he gives you a kiss, and you sit there just smiling
you sit there and watch Harry Potter for a little bit and then your phone goes off you go on Instagram and you see Shawn post on Instagram
Shawn/ I just want to say happy Valentines to the most beautiful woman I have in my entire life well second because of my mom lol but none of the less thank you for being there for me. Thank you for always picking me up when I fall  down. Thank you for just pushing me to do my best and I know this whole famous thing isn't your cup of tea but thank you for sticking out and not leaving me and for loving me and for caring for me and just words cannot describe on how much I love you and I know it's Valentine's Day and not our anniversary but I still wanna make a post because you were truly the love of my life. Love, Shawn
you start to cry, and Shawn  looks over at you
Shawn/ awww what's wrong
Y/n nothing that was just so adorable and I just love you so much. Thank you.
you kiss him, and you guys cuddle for the rest of the night and watch movies
I hope you guys enjoyed this I know it's a little bit longer. Lol but yeah also happy Valentine's Day for anyone that doesn't have a Valentine know that you are loved no matter what and it's Valentine's Day treat yourself. 💖❤️

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