Movie night

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You and Shawn are having a movie night you sit down on the couch you have popcorn and a blanket
Y/n so  you ready to watch this movie
Shawn/ babyyyyyyyy
Y/n whattttttttt
Shawn/ you know what happens when you watch movies
Y/n no
Shawn/ yes you fall asleep through half of it
Y/n no I don't I watch all of it
Shawn/ OK well what was the movie that we watched last time and what happened
Y/n welll I I I
Shawn/ see I told you
Y/n but I like watching movies with you because I get to cuddle you
Shawn/ awww I love you baby
Y/n I love you to and I promise I won't fall sleep through this movie
Shawn/ OK
It's been about 30 minutes later you and Shawn are cuddling on the couch and then Shawn looks down and you are fast asleep
Shawn/ this girl is unbelievable but I love her
Shawn finishes the movie and he wakes you up
Shawn/ hey baby hey wake up
Y/n what what happened
Shawn/ you fell asleep again
Y/n did I  really I'm so sorry you're just so comfortable
Shawn/ hahah it's fine babe I was just giving you a hard time I like watching movies with you
Y/n really
Shawn/ yes because I love how you snuggle in to my chest
Y/n awwww
You kiss him
Shawn/ alright let's go to bed
Y/n carry me
Shawn/ of course
Shawn picks you up carries you to the bedroom and lays  you down and he lays down beside you
Shawn/ you're so gorgeous
Y/n no I'm not stop it
Shawn/ yes you are and you're going to agree because you're too tired to fight back
Y/n maybe
Shawn/ thought so
You lay on your back
Shawn/ can I lay on your chest
Y/n of course baby you don't have to ask
Shawn lays down on your chest and kisses you
Shawn/ how did I get so lucky
Y/n you I'm the lucky one
Shawn kisses you good night you guys say I love you and then go to bed
I hope you enjoy ❤️❤️

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