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so you're moving Into a house in Toronto and you're pretty excited because you're starting college there and everything like that and you know who Shawn Mendes is but you're not really obsessed with him and you know that he lives in Toronto but you know that it was gonna be not a chance for you to meet him so you're starting to unpack things and you sit down and you grab a bottle of water and you sit on your couch your dripping sweat And all of a sudden you hear  a knock at the door so you go and open it and it's the Shawn Mendes and you're starting to freak out and you're like oh my god is this really him
Y/n ummmmm hi
You say nervously
Shawn/ Heyy im your new neighbor Shawn my mom told me to bring you some flowers and a cake it's kind of tradition that we do when someone moves on the Block
Y/n ohhh thank you
you take the cake and flowers
Y/n come in
you let Shawn and you shut the door and you take the cake to the kitchen and also the flowers to the kitchen
Shawn/ wow nice place
Y/n Thank you
You say nervously
Shawn/ are you okay
Do you look at Shawn then you look back at Shawn and you're still freaking out because you have a little crush on Shawn but you're not really big on him
Y/n yeah it's just I kind of have a crush on you and I was not expecting to meet you
Shawn/ awwww thank you sweetie
you look at Shawn and you think in your head did he really just call me sweetie you're nervous more than ever now
shawn/ So umm  do you need any help
Y/n actually yes my mom and dad was supposed to come help me put boxes in here and they're running a little late so can you help me a little bit please
Shawn/ of course
Shawn picks up the boxes and you start getting more attracted to him you guys finish putting the boxes in by this point it's like 10:30 PM so you decided to ask Shawn if he could stay and drink a little bit of wine
Y/n Do you mind if I get to know you a little bit more and can you stay for a glass of wine
Shawn/ of course
So you guys drink a glass of wine and you're having fun and you're learning about Shawn more and you start do you have a crush on him more than you already had it's 1:30 am now
Shawn/ Well it's getting late but I really enjoyed this I hope we can do this again do you know what how about you go on a date with me
You start to get nervous again you're literally asking yourself did Shawn Mendes ask you on a date
Y/n yes of course I wouldn't miss it I really liked talking to you and getting to know you
Shawn/ yeah me too all right I'll pick you up Friday at eight if that's ok with you
Y/n ok I can't wait
Before Shawn heads out the door he kisses your cheek
Shawn/ oh I didn't even catch your name
Y/n oh it's y/n
Shawn/ I like that name goodnight y/n see ya
he leaves and you sat back on your couch and you're thinking oh my God Shawn Mendes it really kissed me and then you go to bed happy and excited for the date Friday
I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did let me know if you did and let me know if you want a Christmas imagine I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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