Back to school

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In two weeks you start school and you're really nervous and your texting your best friend Shawn
Y/n hey is there anyway you can come over
Shawn/ yeah why is everything OK
Y/n yeah I'm just nervous for school and I just need somebody to talk to
Shawn/ I'm on my way
Shawn lives 20 minutes so it takes about 25 to 30 minutes because of traffic
Shawn/ hey so what's up
Y/n OK can I be honest with you
Shawn/ yes of course you know you can always be honest with me
Y/n OK first of all I'm so nervous for school because what if I do something wrong or if I won't be able to graduate
Shawn/ hey hey calm  me down what are you talking about
Y/n so I had trouble as you know of last year in school
Shawn/ yeah
Y/n well what if the same thing happens again that it did last year I just want to make my family proud
You say crying
Shawn/ awww come here
Shawn comes and hug you and you cry on his shoulder
Shawn/ OK first off it's not going to happen because you have me and we met with our teachers last week and they are really nice and your parents and your family are proud of you already
Y/n really
Shawn/ yes because you're so amazing and you are just so uplifting and you got this
Y/n thank you
Shawn/  is that all you needed
Y/n well no
Shawn/ OK what else is on your mind
Y/n I want to say this but I don't because I don't want it to ruin our friendship
Shawn/ what are you talking about nothing and I mean nothing can ruin are friendship
Y/n OK so I've been holding this in for a while but I really like you and I mean I like you but I like you like you
Shawn/ like what do you mean
Y/n well I like you like you like I have feelings for you
Shawn/ oh
Y/n yes sorry I probably shouldn't of said anything
Shawn/ hey no I'm glad you did because I like you too
Y/n wait what seriously
Shawn/ yes because I've been wanting to date you and whatever time you're around a  guy or talking to a guy or just being nice to a guy just infuriates me because I know you don't mean it but I get jealous
Y/n wow
Shawn/ yea
You and Shawn just sit there for a little bit
Y/n so
Shawn/ so
Y/n what do we do now
Shawn/ well
Y/n what
Shawn gets up and kisses you
Y/n I'm so Glad you did that
Shawn/ me to
Y/n so boyfriend and girlfriend
Shawn/ yes
You kiss Shawn again and you guys cuddle  for a little bit and fall asleep and you wake up the next day as boyfriend and girlfriend
I hope you guys enjoyed this I'm sorry it took me a little while it's just I don't have any more ideas lol but yea I hope you enjoyed it ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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