Cleaning day

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you are cleaning while Shawn is at the studio, making music when you hear the door open
Shawn/ damn are you cleaning it smells really good in here.
Y/n yes I am I was bored and I didn't want to watch TV anymore so I decided to clean up the house
Shawn/ awww why didn't you wait until I was home? I would've clean the entire house you're a queen you shouldn't clean the house
Y/n awwwwww baby I love you but it's OK I promise it keeps me up and keeps me moving so I don't sleep all day
Shawn/ well can I at least help you
Y/n yeah after I clean the dish, you can wipe it off
Shawn/ sounds good
Shawn comes in the kitchen and wraps his arms around you from behind
Y/n babe
Shawn/ yes
Y/n this isn't helping
Shawn/ it can be
Shawn kisses your neck
Y/n shawn are you ok
Shawn/ yeah just missed you
Y/n awww baby
You spine around and kiss him
Y/n I missed you to
You kiss him again and he leads you to their chair
Shawn/ now you sit and I'll finish
Y/n but baby you don't have to
Shawn/ I know but i want to
Shawn finishs and you ask him if he wants to watch a movie
Shawn/ yeah I want to watch one what kind
Y/n a scary movie
Shawn/ oh my god I think I'm in love with you
Y/n oh you think
Shawn/ no I know I'm in love with you
He kisses you and you guys watch a movie and cuddle
I know this sucked lol but I hope you guys enjoyed it anyway.💗💗💗

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