Why are you so worried

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You are sitting on the couch when Shawn comes in
Shawn/ hey baby what are you doing
Y/n I'm watching pretty little liars
Shawn/ oooo
Shawn sits beside you and watch's the show until he gets a text
Shawn/oh my gosh my best friend Katy is in town
Y/n who's that
Shawn/ I used to go to school with her
Y/n oh ok
Shawn/ hey do you mind if i go hang out with her
Y/n no go ahead
Shawn/ you're amazing I love you
He says while kissing your head
Y/n I love you to
He leaves and you look at your phone and Katy sent you a follow request and you go through her Instagram and she looks pretty and you just sit there and cry It's been about 4 hours and you are getting tired so you go and get ready for bed you wash your face and brush your teeth now you are sitting on the bed about to lay down when you hear Shawn coming in
Shawn/ hey baby
Y/n hi
Shawn gets undressed and gets in bed
Y/n did you have fun
Shawn/ yeah it was so much fun catching up with her
Y/n that's nice
Shawn/ what's wrong
Y/n did you sleep with her
Shawn/ what no why would you think that
Y/n well she's pretty and I don't know
Shawn/ where are you getting at
Y/n I don't know I'm just
Shawn/ what are you worried about
Y/n I'm worried about losing you
Shawn/ baby you are not going to why would you think that
Y/n well you did go with a old friend that's a girl so
Shawn/ yeah but that's all she is is a friend I don't like her I love you why didn't you tell me you didn't want me to go
Y/n because you are a grown man and I didn't want to make it seem I'm a bad girlfriend
Shawn/ baby you are not a bad girlfriend I love you I'm a little mad that you didn't tell me how you felt but I love you and no girl will ever change that
Y/n really
Shawn/ yeah really
Shawn puts his hands around you and kisses your shoulder
Shawn/ you don't have to worry I love you you are the only girl for me
Y/n I'm sorry I didn't tell you
Shawn/ it's ok just if it happens again please tell me
Y/n I will
You kiss Shawn and you guys lay down
Shawn/ you should meet Katy though I think you would like her
Y/n really
Shawn/ yes
Y/n ok I'll meet her
Shawn/ awesome
You guys lay there for a little
Y/n can we watch the vampire Diaries before bed
Shawn/ of course
You get up and put on the vampire Diaries and you and Shawn watch it and fall asleep
I hope you enjoy 💗💗💗

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