do you like him more than me

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you are sitting on your bed watching Tiktok and you are watching your Tiktok crush garett nolan (or if you don't have a crush on him you can use whoever you want) so you were there and you just happy laughing and you're feeling kind of hot because all of his Tiktoks is funny and you're laughing and I'll send your boyfriend Shawn comes in the bedroom where you're sitting
Shawn/ hey babe Who are you laughing at
Y/n garett nolan I love him so much he's so cute and funny
Shawn starts getting uncomfortable because you called garett cute he's the only one that should be called cute
Shawn/ Oh OK I'm gonna go change that I'm gonna head to the studio
Y/n OK be safe
Shawn think in his head wow she must really like him she didn't even say I love you
so Shawn goes to the studio and you still sit on your bed watching garett it's 11 PM now and Shawn just got home and he walks into the bedroom find you in the same position that he left you in
Shawn/ Oh my god you're so watching him I literally left for five hours and you did not move at all
Y/n what's the big deal Shawn I'm literally just sitting here watching Tiktok no big deal
Shawn/ No big deal you're watching hey dude that's hotter than me and not to mention he has an only fans
Y/n OK Shawn is whatever who cares I mean I like him like it doesn't really matter
Shawn/ let me guess you're subscribe to his only fans and I'm your boyfriend
Y/n Shawn know why are you acting like this
Shawn/Because you're acting like it's not a big deal like you're saying he's cute hot smart and funny what about me I'm your boyfriend we've been dating for two years
Y/n because you follow all those other girls you follow Ariana Grande Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion you feel all of those girls and you think I'm supposed to be OK with you following them I don't think me liking garett is it a bad idea we all have crushes and yes I know you're my boyfriend I love you but it's I can like who I wanna like
Shawn/ OK whatever look I'm not fighting tonight so I'm just gonna go ahead and sleep on the couch because you're gonna put me on the couch anyways I'm just so done like I cannot believe like if you like him so bad why won't you go date him
Shawn storms out to the living room to lay down on the couch and he falls asleep you wake him up because you want to talk to him
Y/n Shawn please wake up I want to talk to you
Shawn/ if this is about garett I don't want to hear it
Y/n it is about him but I just want to talk please let's go to the room and talk
Shawn agrees he goes into yawls bedroom you are sitting on the bed and you are going to talk to him about the situation
Y/n look Shawn I know you're jealous
Shawn/ i'm not jealous OK maybe I am just a little jealous but I mean look at him
Y/n I know but me saying he's cute or me saying he's hotter I like his content doesn't mean that I'm gonna break up with you to go with him
Shawn/ it's just I didn't like how you would just go on and on and on and on and on about him being like oh my god he's so cute oh my God I just love him blah blah blah blah blah like I just you get tired of it because you wouldn't want me you talking about other girls
and you're correct and I should've stopped but I didn't and I just wanna say that I'm sorry if I made you feel jealous and I'm sorry if I made you feel some type away but I promise I love you he's just a crush I'm not gonna break up with you and date him like I'm not going to I love you
Shawn/ I love you but it's just I just feel bad because then you go on and on about him being like he's so cute and I'm like sitting here like well what about me and I feel a little insecure about myself
Y/n I know when I feel so sorry that I made you feel this way do you forgive me I won't talk about him anymore I'll even follow him if you want me too
Shawn/ no you don't have to Unfollow him I forgive you I love you
Y/n I love you
you guys kiss and cuddle and Shawn asked if he could sleep in the bed and you said of course and y'all go to sleep wrapped in each others arms and you're thinking in your head like oh my gosh I have the most incredible man
I hope you guys enjoyed this if you did please give me a like and comment if you want more like this and like I said you don't have to use garett nolan he is my Tiktok crush so that's the main reason why I used it you you don't know what he looks like I will post a picture of him that's him and I hope you guys enjoy this if you did please tell me and tell me if you want more like this I love you guys so much and thank you for 655 readers I love you guys

you are sitting on your bed watching Tiktok and you are watching your Tiktok crush garett nolan (or if you don't have a crush on him you can use whoever you want)   so you were there and you just happy laughing and you're feeling kind of hot becau...

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