Baby I love you just the way you are

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You and Shawn is shopping and you're looking through the clothes and Shawn comes up behind you
Shawn/ hey baby
Y/n hey
Shawn/ what are you doing
Y/n I'm looking through this clothes
Shawn/ oo are you going to model for me
Y/n I mean I can
Shawn/ yes please
Y/n ok follow me
You take Shawn and he said him down when you go into a changing room you finally change in you look at yourself in the mirror and you just feel off
Shawn/ baby you ready
Y/n ummm yea ok
You walk out and you see Shawn just staring at you
Y/n what do you think
Shawn/ I love holy baby you look amazing
Y/n thanks
Shawn/ do you have more
Y/n yea
Shawn/ well I want to see you and all of them
Y/n Umm ok
You walk back to the changing room and you change into your second outfit again you look at yourself in the mirror and you feel even more off
Shawn/ ready
Y/n okay
You walk out and Shawn staring at you again
Y/n so
Shawn/ Wow you look incredible 
Y/n thank you I have one more outfit
Shawn/ ok
You run back into the dressing room and you put on your third outfit and you don't even want to walk out
Shawn/ baby you ready
Y/n sure
You walk out and Shawn gets up
Shawn/ Wow
Y/n Wow what
Shawn/ you look
Y/n ugly yea I know
Shawn/ what baby no
Y/n you're just saying that
You said walking back into the dressing room and Shawn follows
Shawn/ what's wrong
Y/n nothing can we go home
Shawn/ not until you tell me what's wrong
Y/n nothings wrong ok now move
You try to leave the dressing room and Shawn Grabs your hands and puts them above your head and pushes your body up against the wall
Shawn/ ok if you won't tell me what's wrong I'll just have to do it the hard way
He starts kissing your neck and you start moaning
Y/n ok ok fine I'll tell you
Shawn stops
Shawn/ now what's wrong
Y/n you could have any girl in the world but you choose me why
Shawn/ what do you mean
Y/n look at me Shawn I'm not perfect you are
Shawn/ Oh sweetie I'm far from perfect
Y/n no you're not because you have a music career you have fans that loves you and you're famous
Shawn/ but that doesn't mean I'm perfect not everyone's perfect in this world
Y/n but you don't get it
Shawn/ what do you mean I don't get it
Y/n you get to hang out with models all day and you get to hang out with people in the Music community that's better looking than me
Shawn/ ok first off your wrong Second you have it all wrong
Y/n oh do I
Shawn / yes just because I hang out with models and hang out with famous people doesn't mean you  are less than them you are amazing your beautiful you help me through things you tell me the truth even though it might hurt me and you are special to me baby you are amazing just the way you are
Y/n really
Shawn/ yes you are the one for me I love you not anyone else
Y/n promise
Shawn / I promise
You sit there for a few minutes
Shawn/ you don't believe me do you
Y/n I do a lil
Shawn/ ok tell you what you get up and get dress and when we get home I'll show you how much i love you
Y/n really
Shawn/ yes but hurry and get dressed before I take you right here right now
Y/n okay again I'm sorry I just got a little insecure
Shawn/ baby it's okay I get it but I promise you have nothing to worry about
Y/n you sure
Shawn/ yes of course
Y/n okay I love you
Shawn/ I love you to
You guys kiss and you look at him
Y/n thank you for loving me and excepting my jealous Ways
Shawn/ your welcome to be honest your hot when you're jealous
Y/n oh am I
Shawn/ yes now get dressed
Y/n okay daddy
Shawn/ why do you like to torture me
Y/n because it's funny
Shawn/ oh it won't be fun if I do it to you
Y/n maybe maybe not
Shawn/ just hurry and get dressed
Y/n okay
You get dress and you heading to the car and you guys get back home and I'm pretty sure you know what happened and let's just say after that night you never questioned your insecurity again
I hope you guys enjoy I'm sorry it's longer than normal lol but yea ❤️💗💗

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