You saved me I want you to go with me on tour

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You're a singer and you are on your biggest tour you have ever been on before and you have three more shows left one of them is in Toronto Canada the other one is in Florida and the other one is in Texas so you're doing the Toronto show you're having the best time you're singing your dancing your fans are singing with you and screaming and all this other stuff so you are done with the show and your backstage about to take some pictures with fans
(BTW Shawn is just an ordinary guy in this he's not a singer songwriter or anything like that he's just a normal person)
So you are taking pictures with fans and it's Shawn's turn
Y/n hi sweetie what's your name
Shawn/ Shawn it's Shawn Mendes
Y/n OMG I love your name all right let me give you a autograph then after I do that we could take a picture
Shawn/ ok
you get Shawn an autograph you guys take a selfie and you hug him and you ask him about the show
Y/n so did you like them show
Shawn/ yes I did I loved it so much
Y/n aw I'm so glad you liked it
You said bye to Shawn and you're heading to your dressing room Can you get ready to pack up because you're getting ready to go back on the bus to go to Texas and your dressing rooms a little bit different you have a window in your dressing room and the door so you're in the bathroom wiping off your make up and stuff like that because you don't want to be on the bus with make up you just want to get on the bus and relax and relax your voice so you're in the bathroom all of a sudden you hear footsteps you think it's your bodyguard so you just yell out to your bodyguard
Y/n Elijah i'm in the shower I'll be out go ahead tell darrin to start the bus up
normally when Elijah hears you he would answer you but this time you didn't answer what you don't know why but you just let it go you finish your shower you get your hair wash you are about ready to walk out but you forgot you left your clothes else in your dressing room so you have to walk out of the bathroom naked to your dressing room to get dressed to get on the bus so you walk out of the bathroom and you were looking for your clothes all of a sudden you stop in your tracks you look up with fear in your eyes there is a man that you do not know in your dressing room
Y/n who are you
Man/ ohhhh baby I was waiting for you come here
The man runs after you and grabs you and trust to pull you down and you are screaming for help you don't know where Elijah is you don't know where darrin is you are just so scared you are trying so hard to scream to have someone help you while the sun someone burst through your room ripping the guy off beating the guy in to a pulp you can't see who the man is but you are so grateful you were literally on the floor crying all of a sudden Elijah your bodyguard comes in and grabs a hold of you and hugs you then the police show up and take the guy in jail and the guy that was beating him stands up and you see it's Shawn Mendes
Shawn/ omg are you ok i'm sorry I would've been here sooner but I didn't hear you until I was going to the bathroom
Y/n OMG thank you so much that was so scary
you get up crying you hug Shawn and hugs hugs you back
Shawn/ oh you're welcome anytime
you start crying even more and then after a little while youstol crying and you're sitting here talking to Shawn
Y/n so Shawn what are you doing for a living
Shawn/ well I work with my dad but I have always wanted to be a singer
Y/n oh really can I hear you sing
Shawn/ yeah I guess
Shawn start singing a song he named stitches and you were just listening and you're saying in in the back your mind oh my gosh this kid is incredible
Shawn stop singing he's about to say something but you cut him off
Y/n that was incredible
Shawn/ no I don't think so
Y/n omg yes it was
you called over Elijah
Y/n Elijah get this kids parents on the phone for me please
Elijah / yes ma'am
so all I should get Shawn's parents on the phone and fact you FaceTime them
Karen/ Hi babe how was the concert
you pop up on the screen and his mom was confused
Y/n hi are you Shawn's mom
Karen/ ummmm yes wait aren't you the girl he was seeing in concert
Y/n Correct I came here to call you to ask you and your husband may you get your husband on here please
Karen/ ummm sure
Karen yells for Manny and both of them are on FaceTime with you now
Y/n hi I just wanted to call and let you know that your son has the most incredible voice I've ever heard like I mean I know my voice is like OK but he's amazing and I came to ask you guys is it OK if me and my team pulls up at your house and get Shawn stuff and let him come on tour with me I only have two shows left and then he'll be home I just want people to hear his voice even if it's two shows three shows four shows I want people to hear his voice he's amazing and he deserves to be heard
Shawn/ so what do you say mum
Karen/ ummmm honey are you sure this isn't rushing into things I mean you don't even know this girl
Manny/ I mean bud if you want to you can I just want you to be careful and I want you to be safe
Shawn/ I know that and yes I know that I don't know her much but I could actually finally have a chance for people to hear me sing so what are you say
Karen/ ok you can
Shawn jumps up happy as all heck he thinks his mom about 100 times before you guys get off the phone with them you guys pull up at his house he gets his stuff and those two shows was the best time of his life and who knows you might of been one who started his career
I hope you guys enjoy this if you did please let me know and yes I know I haven't been posting a lot lately I just forget that I have it here and I'm also having a little trouble with imagines but I am trying the lakes and I hope you guys enjoy this if you did please let me know and I love y'all so much💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️ and thank you for 612 readers I love you guys so much

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