The premiere of lyle lyle the crocodile

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It's the Premiere for lyle lyle the crocodile and you are walking the read carpet with Shawn
Y/n ooooo I'm so excited
Shawn/ me to just nervous
Y/n why are you nervous
Shawn/ because what if they don't like it
Y/n Shawn are you kidding this movie is going to be amazing
Shawn / you think so
Y/n I know so
You guys go sit down and Shawn gets up before the movie starts to speak
Shawn/ welcome to the Premiere for lyle lyle the crocodile this movie is my first movie I've ever done and I'm so proud of it it was amazing to work with incredible crew and it was so much fun I hope you enjoy it
Shawn sits back down and you get up to speak
Y/n hey guys as you know I'm Shawn's girlfriend and I just would like to say a couple of words so first I would love to say Shawn I'm so proud of you you are so amazing and I'm not just saying this because I'm your girlfriend haha but for as long as i have known you you have been the most hard working person and you might have a bad day but you don't let that stuff you and I'm so Beyond proud of you I love you second this movie is amazing and I hope you guys enjoy
You go sit down and Shawn kisses you
Shawn/thank you baby that meant alot
Y/n I love you
Shawn/ I love you too
You guys watch the premiere and after Shawn does a little meet and greet and autograph  stuff for fans
I hope you enjoy ❤️❤️
Also I'm so excited for this movie

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