I'm sorry I'm just insecure

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You are watching magic mike and Shawn's at the studio
Y/n yassss get it channing
You're watching it for a little bit longer in the new year, the front door open  you don't even look up from the TV because you know who it is, it's your boyfriend Shawn
Shawn/ hey baby
Y/n yeah hey
Shawn/ whatcha doing
Y/n watching a movie
Shawn/ ok I'll join you after I change
Y/n okay
Shawn goes up to change, and then he comes and sits down with you on the couch
Shawn/ so what are we watching
Y/n magic mike XXL
Shawn/ seriously again
Y/n yea why
Shawn/ because you watch this all the time
You tell Shawn to be quiet and y'all start watching the movie when all of a sudden a sexy part happens
Y/n yes biggggg dick richie
Shawn/ I'm going upstairs
Shawn gets off the couch and storms upstairs. You are asking yourself, why is he acting this way, but you decide to leave him alone to cool off and you want to finish your movie, you finish your movie and you go upstairs to check on him
Y/n hey baby you okay
Shawn/ yea
Y/n are you sure you stormed up the stairs
Shawn/ oh I don't know how about you ask big dick richie
Y/n ok seriously what's wrong
Shawn/ what's wrong? Is that your practically drooling over those strippers and don't even get me started on that Channing dude
Y/n  ok seriously, where is this coming from its just a movie
Shawn/ oh yes just a movie my ass
Y/n. Shawn what is up its just a movie
Shawn/ yea ok tell that to big dick richie
You step back from Shawn so you can take a breather and so can he
Y/n what's wrong
Shawn/ I don't know, I guess I'm just insecure
Y/n what do you mean
Shawn/ well, I'll put it to you this way when your girlfriend gushes over a guy or a character named big dick richie it hurts
Y/n. can I be honest with you for a second, if I didn't love you or if I didn't care for you, do you really think I would be here
Shawn/ well  no
Y/n ok. you don't have to be insecure. I'm here for you and you only and plus your name should be bigger dick richie
Shawn/ what does that mean
Y/n oh my man is packin
Shawn/ am I
Y/n oh yea
You walk over to Shawn and you kiss him
Y/n now do you feel a lil better
Shawn/ a lil but I want you to show me that you don't want him
Y/n okay
I hope you guys enjoy that I'm sorry it's a lil dirty  but yea ily 💗💗

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