What are you doing your supposed to be on the road

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You are laying on the bed trying to breathe because you have a cold and Shawn is on tour so even though you want him here to help he can't your watching your show when Shawn calls
Shawn/ hey baby
Y/n hey Shawn
Shawn/ baby are you okay you sound sick
Y/n yea I just have a cold
Shawn/ aww baby I'm sorry I wish I was there
Y/n me to anyways how's Tour
Shawn/ it's amazing I just wish you were here
Y/n me to I love you so much
Shawn/ i love you to
You guys talk for a little bit then
Y/n ok I guess I'll let you go
Shawn/ yea I have soundcheck but are you taking medicine
Y/n yes Shawn
Shawn/ are you staying warm
Y/n yes
Shawn/ I'm just making sure I love you so much
Y/n I love you to baby have fun
Shawn/ I'll try bye
Y/n bye
You put the phone down and fall asleep you wake up to feeling something beside you
Y/n hello
Shawn/ hey baby
Y/n Shawn what are you doing here you're supposed to be on the road
Shawn/ I was but your sick and I talked and he let me come home
Y/n awww you are so amazing I love you I'm so lucky
Shawn/ I'm the lucky one now let's go back to sleep
Y/n ok I love you
Shawn/ I love you to
And you fall right back to sleep
I hope you guys enjoyed it ❤️❤️❤️ love you guys

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