Max Verstappen-Office

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A/N This was an anonymous request. I hope you all like it. Please take a look at my Lando story and I wish you all a good day. Please vote and comment for feedback.

WORDS: 1650

Anyone who thinks that a Formula 1 driver once he's at home a little off has wrongly thought. Even between races or after the season, they need to keep fit and take a look at the collected data of the year.

There are certainly drivers who, despite these tasks, have enough time for their family or their life partner, but not Max. Max tries to train most of the time when I am not at home or still sleeping, but in the last few days he is constantly sitting in his office and hardly paying attention to me.

He broods over the data and leaves the room only for small meals and for sleeping. But even then I don't have much of Max. He usually comes to bed late and leaves it before me. I cuddle up to him at night, but that's nothing compared to our normal behavior.

As slowly his behavior is enough for me and as much as I understand that he wants to improve constantly, but I want to spend time with my boyfriend again and get a bit of attention.

So, I quietly enter Max office, he is again immersed in his documents and does not even notice me. It is only when I step behind him and put my hands on his shoulders that he looks up.

"Do you need something?" he asks, leaning his head against my torso. I lovingly stroke him through his tousled hair and look at the light rings under his eyes.

"Out of attention?" I say amusedly, but I mean these words quite seriously. Max laughs quietly, too, before putting an arm around me and pulling me to his side.

"I still have to finish this here." As he says this, he points to the pile of paper in front of him, which I think is still as big as it was a few days ago. Quietly, I sigh.

"You've been saying this for days I've barely seen you lately," I mutter, looking at the floor. Max also sighs, he is aware that he neglects me, but also wants to get these documents ready.

"How about this: You can sit on my lap until I have made a little progress and then we have a nice evening. Okay?" I hesitate for a moment, that's not quite what I imagined, but at least I would have a little bit of Max's company.

I carefully sit on his lap and put my head on his neck bend. Max puts his hand on my legs and fits on it that I don't slide down the side of him.

"Better?" he asks with a laugh, as he devotes himself to the next paper.

"Better." I confirm and cuddle a little closer to his warm body.

For a while it is quiet between us, but it is by no means an unpleasant silence. It rather expresses the familiarity between us. Max hand started drawing small circles on my thigh a few minutes ago. This innocent touch drives the goosebumps on my body and arouse me a little. Max and I haven't had sex for a long time and that's why these little touches are enough to make me want more.

I want to move a little bit to shake off the feeling, but Max grip is tight and he just mutters "Don't fidget around like that" without realizing what he's doing to me.

Lost in thought, his fingers begin to wander up my thigh again and slip under the long T-shirt, which is actually his, I wear. His hand moves a little higher and as his hand rests on my hip, he pauses and raises his head.

"No underwear babe?" he asks with a cheeky grin spreading on his lips.

"I must have forgotten them," I say with a smile.

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