Mick Schumacher [N2]

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A/N Wished by lorenavieira27. I hope you like it! Please vote, comment and leave me a wish in the request chapter which is open until the 12.04.

WORDS: 1286

Today is the day. Today Mick would have his first free practise as an official F1 driver and not just for testing. To say he is nervous is an understatement. He is pacing up and down in his motorhome constantly muttering things to himself and not seem to calm down in the next minutes.

I decide that it is enough of his nervous behaviour and grab him on the wrist to stop him. Surprised Mick look down to me and furrows his eyebrows lightly together.

"Something wrong love?" He asks loving as ever but now his leg is bouncing a bit and still shows how he is feeling at the moment.

"Sit down." I demand him patting lightly on the space beneath me. Sighting Mick let his body sink onto the small couch before intertwining our fingers.

Soft I let my fingers brush trough his hair and try to calm him down a bit. Mick leans his head against my shoulder and breathes deeply in and out for a few times. He seems to be calmer but the second I think this his leg starts to bounce again.

"Okay, you need some distraction." I mumble before I lift his head from my shoulder and press my lips on his.

Surprised Mick needs a few seconds to kiss me back, but he then cups my cheeks and holds me close. His tongue slides lightly over my lips before pushing trough and involves my tongue into a sensual dance.

My hands roam over his firm chest just covered by his fireproof shirt. I can feel his heart pounding against his chest like it want to break out of it. Mick's hands wander slowly down my body before he grabs me by the ass and lifts me up on his lap.

Gasping I detached my lips for a moment from his to calm down my breathing a bit. But I can't resist his lips for long and start to kiss him again. My hips start to circle a bit and I can feel his growing length pressed against his racing suit.

I lift the hem of his shirt out of his suit and want to take it off, but Mick stops me in the moment my fingers touch his bare skin.

"We can't do this here!" He mumbles not sounding rude just concerned.

"Why not?" I ask him and trace his lower abdomen with my fingernails. I do not see a problem with having sex in here.

"Well, we could get caught." Mick says catching my fingers and kiss them gently.

"We have to be fast then." I grin seeing how Mick's lips curl up a bit before he has his serious expression again.

"We still can't do it because we do not have protection here." Mick remembers me.

We have both agreed on waiting a bit longer before we would try for kids and since I couldn't take the pill we stick to the latex piece of protection. I sight softly with a little pout on my lips before I try to convince him one last time.

"There are other ways to pleasure each other than just having sex. Please?" I let my hips roll over his erection for another time what make him growl lowly and he let his head fall back.

"You are the worst." He mumbles but with a grin on his lips before he opens the button of my jeans and lowers the zipper.

Mick does not pull my jeans down just slip his hand inside of it and cups my core. His fingers swipe a few times through my folds to coat them with the wetness between my legs and then he starts to pleasure me.

The fingers of Mick circle over my clit what leads to waves of pleasure rolling over my body. A quiet whimper leaves my lips and I hold onto Mick's shoulders to keep myself steady. His movements where slow, barely enough to build up a decent pleasure just making me crave for more.

"Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?" Mick mumbles when a louder moan tumbles over my lips still being a bit anxious that someone could caught us.

I nod weakly pressing myself against his fingers. Mick studies my face closely even though he knows exactly what I need or like he still looks closely how I react on different touches. When Mick inserts two fingers I almost flinch because I didn't expected it.

He curls his fingers inside me and pats a bit around before he finds my g-spot.
"OH, Mick." I moan softly near his ear totally forgetting what he asked me for. Only when he detaches his fingers from me the realisation hit me.

"What did I ask you for?" He hisses lowly before biting gently into my earlobe.

"Please." I whimper. "I will be quiet now." I promise him, feeling so desperate for his touch.

Mick does not answer me verbally but just push his fingers back inside me. This time he is setting a faster pace while his thumb presses down on my nub of nerve endings. I try to damp my moan by burying my head into Mick's shoulder, biting softly in his covered skin.

He seems eager now to make me come. His fingers curled against my g-spot again and he scissors them from time to time to increase the pleasure. The high came soon enough my tights shaking lightly from the orgasm that just wash over me.

Mick pulls his hand out of my trousers cleaning it with a little towel before lifting my head from his shoulder.

"Your turn." He whispers before giving me a soft kiss.

I stand up and lower my body between his legs. Mick lift his hips slightly so that I can pull his suit and boxershorts a bit down to free his erection which is already hard. For a few times I stroke up and down his erection but when Mick whimpers lightly I put my mouth to work.

I lick from the base to the tip before I circle my tongue around the sensitive part of it. At a regular pace I lower and lift my head, let my tongue slide over one of the veins before I place kitten licks on the tip.

Mick hold my hair into a ponytail that my hair aren't in the way and he lift his hips from time to time to get me closer. I hum around his erection sending some shivers over Mick's body. I can feel his erection twitch lightly in my mouth and when I let my tongue swirl around his tip, I can taste his precum.

"I'm going to cum." Mick mumbles to warn me because he does not want to force me to swallow it.

I continue pleasuring him and since there can't be any stains I swallow his cum when the orgasm washes over him. Mick's legs shiver slightly when he comes down from his high and I stand up again swipe with the back of my hand over my mouth.

While Mick adjust his overall again, I drink some sips out of the water bottle to get the taste out of my mouth.

"Come here." Mick says pulling me on his lap for some cuddles.

"You did this to calm me down, didn't you?" He asks placing his head on my shoulder and play with my fingers.

"Well, it helped you, didn't it?" I giggle tracing his jaw with my fingertips.

Mick just grin slightly before his grip around me tighten for a moment.

"You're the best." He mumbles with a loving gaze in his eyes, now fully relaxed and ready for the practise.

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