Lando Norris [Visit]

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A/N Anonymous request. Not my best work because I think I messed up the tense a few times. 

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WORDS: 813

Getting pregnant from a one-night stand was not the plan and especially not at the age of only eighteen. Basically, still a kid myself I was facing getting a mother in only a few months and to worsen things I did not have contact to the father in the beginning.

It was not like I did not know who the father was I was pretty aware of the fact that I slept with the future F1 driver for McLaren but how do you reach these people when you don't know them personally? You can not just simply walk up to them and tell them that you are pregnant because I believe they hear things like this more often.

I kept the pregnancy to myself for a couple of weeks before McLaren announces an autograph session where you could meet the drivers and if you are lucky, you get a photo too. To prepare for this day I printed out one of the pictures Lando and I took that night and pack things like the pregnancy test and a picture of the ultrasound into my bag.

When the day had arrived, I was so nervous and want to stay in my room all day, but I could gather all my courage and finally made my way to the headquarter of McLaren. There were already a lot of people and I sight when I see all the fangirls. This is going to be a long day.

It indeed took a long time until I finally arrived at the table where Lando and his teammate were seated. Both giggling and still in a good mood after signing all these things. Without saying a word, I hand Lando the picture of us two and for a second it looks like he just wants to sign it and pass it back but then his head shoots up and he looks at me surprised.

"I know you!" these where his words when he had looked at me. After this he asked Jon to bring me inside because he wants to have a chat with me. A bit nervous I followed Jon inside the building and was confused why Lando wants to talk with me.

"He was looking everywhere for you." Jon told me with a cheeky grin, and I still remember how my cheeks turned red after his words. It seemed like this is going to be easier than I thought it would be. I wait for at least another hour before Lando finally comes into this room.

He started chatting about how he searched me and that he wanted to see me again and much more lovely stuff, but I had to stop him before he gets too excited. I told him that I searched him too but that I was not sure how to approach him. Before he could answer anything, I dropped the pregnancy, and he was a bit paralyzed at first but hen he started two smile like an idiot.

And this is how our journey together started. We managed the pregnancy together and were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. There were ups and downs, but we overcame all of them and grow closer and closer. Now two years later we are a happy little family.

Today our little monkey and I would visit Lando at the McLaren factory. It is a little surprise for him because he was working really hard over the past weeks, and we want to give him some time to relax. I talked with Jon about this, and he gave me a little hint when and where I could find Lando.

He should be in his simulator at this time of the day but his session in there ends in around five minutes and so it is no problem we distract him a bit. I let my baby on the ground and open the door for her so she can walk to her father who is watching the screens attentive.

"Dada." Our daughter babbles and pats on Lando's tight to get his attention. Lando directly looks to the side and crashes his car into the wall, but he does not care. His face lit up of the sight of his little girl in McLaren merch and he grins widely.

"Hey little angel. Are you vising me in my office?" He cheers and lifts her up what makes her giggle in excitement. Lando showers her face with a hundred kisses and listens closely to her laughing. I smile happily at the scenery in front of me and sight softly.

Who thought this is going to be what my future looks like? But I do not want to complain even though we had some hard and scary moments this child and Lando are the best things that could have happened to me, and I will be forever grateful for meeting him.

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