Marcus Armstrong [Morning Lovers]

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A/N Wished by myself. I wanted something with Marcus so I wrote it for me.
I am going to upload a new prompt list next week which will be open until my new semester is going to start (12.04). After that date I am going to focus on uni and have to look when there is some time for writing. 
The easter special will be uploaded on saturday, sunday and monday. Two one-shots each day.

WORDS: 1123

I wake up in the morning from soft kisses that were pressed against my naked skin. With a soft hum but still with closed eyes I shuffle my body a bit closer to Marcus to get more of his warmth.

"Good morning love." His voice sounds hoarse in my ear and send some shivers over my spine. Marcus continues his treatment with placing some more kisses on my shoulder.

"Morning." I mumble lifting one of my hands to caress his cheek lightly.

"Remember what you did with me last night?" Marcus asks pausing for a moment, before he continues speaking. "I am hard by just thinking about it." Just as he says he brings his hips a bit closer to mine an let me feel how erected his length is already.

Again, Marcus let his lips roam over my skin, sucking a bit on it and create some new marks in addition to the ones from the previous night. My head still feels tired, but I enjoy his gentle treatment way too much to complain about it.

Slowly Marcus let one of his hands wander over my front. Tickles my belly slightly and listen to my giggles for a moment before placing it higher. He takes one of my breasts in his hand and start to massage it a bit.

Marcus fingertips circle over my already hard nipples and he pinches them lightly what makes me moan softly into the pillow under my head. During his touching Marcus lips never loosen from my skin. They stay in contact with me and caress my back and the side of my neck.

When Marcus is satisfied with his work on my breast, he let his hand roam down my body, drawing circles with his fingers on my skin and sending a few more shivers over my spine. Marcus fingers graze trough my folds what makes me flinch a bit.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?" Marcus asks worried and wants to detach his hand from my body. I take his wrist in my hand and lead him back to my middle.

"It's okay, I am just a little sore from last night." I mumble and can feel how my cheeks turn slightly red.

"Tell me when it is getting too much." Marcus demands before lubricating his fingers.

Gently he let his fingertips circle over my clit and sends waves of arousal trough my body. His length is pressing against my back, but he seems to be concentrated on my pleasure first. I feel safe in Marcus arms. How he holds me tight and brings me joy.

Marcus let his fingers circle around my entrance for a moment but then he decided against pushing them in. Instead, he continues focusing on my clit and bringing me to my high by just stimulating my little nub of nerve endings.

"Does that feel good?" Marcus hums in my ear while he speeds up his movements.

The little whimper that tumbles over my lips seems to be enough for him because he does not force me to answer him verbally. Marcus presses his rough fingertips a bit harder against my clit while my fingers clench around the duvet.

I can feel myself convulsing around nothing and I am sure Marcus is not going to take much longer to let me come. But then his movements slow down and a bit of panic that he is going to stop is coming over me.

"Please, don't stop now." I whimper, pressing myself against his fingers while hoping he would let me come to my orgasm.

"Shh, I am not stopping princess." He mumbles while pressing a soft kiss under my ear.

As he said he continue his slow movements but speeds up eventually. His rubbing is more aggressive now like he wants to end this as fast as possible. My body slightly arched away from his when I can feel how tight the knot in my stomach already is.

With a softly moaned "Marcus." I reach my high. My tight shiver a bit but it was what I needed. While I am still in my aftershock Marcus rolls me on my back and shuffle with his body on mine between my legs.

The blanket is still placed over our bodies what gives the situation something more intimate. We are in our little cocoon where only we exist, and nobody can disturb us in.

Marcus grabs one of the condoms from the nightstand before he opens it and roll it down his length. One of his arms lay beside my head in the pillow while the other is wandering between our bodies to align himself with my entrance.

With a gentle thrust Marcus insert his length into me before he holds still for a moment. The last night was really intense and he don't want to hurt me in any way.

"You can move." I give him the ok to start thrusting because the pulling feeling in my abdomen disappeared completely.

Marcus starts to roll his hips against mine creating a more grinding movement then really thrusting inside me. It all seems to fit the cosy morning feeling. Sleepy but enjoyable sex in the morning.

With the hand beside my head Marcus begins to caress my face slightly. He let his fingertips graze over my cheeks and down to my lips while maintaining his grinding against me. His second hand wanders under my tight to wrap one of my legs tighter around his hip.

The change of his angle makes me moan softly because Marcus length is now perfectly nudging against the bundle of nerve endings inside of me. I can feel how my walls clench around Marcus erection what makes him groan lowly beside my ear.

Marcus lips starts to suck on my throat where my breath hitched when he does it. His teeth nibble on the delicate skin bringing some more pleasure to me while speeding up the movements of his hips a bit.

My fingers get lost in his hair because I press him only closer to me to feel him more. We both only need some more soft thrust before tumbling over the edge with a breath-taking orgasm.

While my tights shiver slightly Marcus arms seem to be out of strength because he let his body completely sink on mine to catch his breath. Calmingly I brush with my finger's trough his tangled hair while he hums softly in approval.

We enjoy the closeness of the other before Marcus lifting his body from mine to get me a warm washcloth.

"Good morning." Marcus mumbles when he cuddles himself back near me under the blanket.

"Good morning." I giggle back because he is right, this was indeed a good morning.

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