Lando Norris-[31]

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A/N This one was requested by thexgirlxxx. I hope you like it. Please vote and comment for feedback. 

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WARNINGS: NSFW (I'm terrible sorry if it's bad...)
WORDS: 1000

With a sigh I flip another page of the thick book in front of me and start reading it right away. My exams are coming soon and that's why I'm sitting in Lando's kitchen trying to memorize the things I learned over the year.

Concentrated, I pull my lip between my teeth and don't even notice that Lando has just entered the room and can't turn his gaze away from my mouth. Frightened, I shrug out of my mind as Lando puts his hands on my hip and leans very close to me.

"You scared me." I mutter and lean my head slightly against him but continue to read in my book.

"Sorry." he hums only softly and begins to spread small kisses on my neck. A little annoyed I push his head away from me. I just don't want to be distracted now.

"Hey!" Lando complains, putting his head back on my shoulder, looking for attention.

"Don't distract me." I mutter don't meaning this in a nasty way. He just shouldn't stop me from working. Insulted Lando snorts but let go of me and sits opposite me at the table. I don't mind that he watches me as long as he stays silent.

Deepened into my documents, I pull my lip between my teeth again, as I feel like I can concentrate better. I don't hear a quiet whimper from Lando's side, and I don't even notice that he starts to slip back and forth on his chair.

His gaze is still firmly on my lips, but he is certainly no longer present, because his thoughts are taking a completely different direction.

"Stop it," he then addresses me and pulls me out of my thoughts.

"What am I doing?" I ask, confused, and raise my eyebrows. I just sit here and learn. Maybe he just wants a bit of attention and I'm supposed to stop learning, but his voice sounds way too rough for that.

"Bite your lip once more, I dare you." he almost growls, which drives a goosebumps over my body. Nevertheless, I try to remain calm.

"What do you want to do if not? Punish me?" I ask with a laugh, but when I see Lando's eyes darkening in my words, I must swallow a little.

"Sounds like a measure," he grins, lowering his chin on his fist to watch me.

Nervously, I dedicate myself to my documents again, but I can no longer really concentrate. There are always scenes in my head that would normally conjure up a clear redness on my cheek, but I can suppress them right now.

Almost automatically my lip wanders between my teeth again and before I really realize it, Lando has already grabbed me and thrown me over his shoulder.

"Hey! I have to learn." I complain, but I'm just ignored.

"Lando!" I try again and this time I get a reaction.

"Can your pretty mouth do anything else but complain?" he asks, dropping me on the bed. Immediately I bite my lip to suppress a biting comment, which makes Lando just sigh in frustration.

"Stop that," he mutters, leaning over me. He presses his middle against my thigh and only then do I realize the Lando is aroused. Grinning, I let my hand wander directly between us and stroke easily over his erection.

"And all this just because I've bitten my lip?" I mutter and begin to massage him gently. Lando just moans up conformingly and puts his lips on mine.

I skillfully turn him on his back and take a seat on his lap. Lando sees me from half-opened eyes but doesn't complain about my actions.

I give a little kiss on Lando's lips, then I work down his neck. Suck and lick over the delicate skin. Let my teeth disappear again and again teasingly in his skin and listen to his now wheezing breath. Lando tries to move his hip to get a little bit of friction, but I don't give it to him.

With a quick movement, I pull Lando's shirt over his head and immediately put my lips on the exposed skin. Work his nipples with his mouth while my hand playfully plucks at his waistband. Within seconds Lando is like wax under me and I'm sure he doesn't need long as soon as I really get in.

I kiss myself along his belly, teasingly biting him in his hip bone and then pulling down trousers and boxer shorts on a train. Lando's erection jumps slightly against his abdomen and he moans as the colder air hits his tip, from which already some precum drips.

At first, I just take it in my hand and let it wander up and down a little bit, but Lando is already so aroused that I doesn't really need to do it anymore. One last look I cast on him, as he lies there with his eyes closed and his head laid back in front of me, then I close my lips around his length.

Moaning Lando grabs my head with his one hand and tries to push me a little deeper, but I hold against it and wait until he gives in before I move. Sensually I let my tongue slide around its tip and taste the salty precum.

Again, and again my tongue swipes over its delicate tip and so I make Lando a moaning mess.

In addition to my mouth, I put my hand around the lower part of his erection and begin to massage it.

"I'm close." Lando mumbles and tighten his grip around my hair. For the last time I take his erection into my mouth and suck a slight vacuum. I let my tongue swirl around his tip and with a deep grunt he came to his high.

With the back of my hand I wipe my mouth and look down on Lando, who looks completely satisfied. I never thought he would be aroused by something so simple, but he always surprises me.

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