George Russel [Anger]

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A/N Inspired by the race today. It was an exciting race and I am happy about some things but also sad/angry about others...

WARNINGS: NSFW (George is angry)
WORDS: 2565

This should have been George's weekend. He got into Q2 with his Williams and nearly reached Q3 for the first time in this car. His race was good, he could gain position in the chaos and would have been in the points if this stupid accident did not happen.

It looked so easy how he used the slipstream to get past Bottas but then the things went wrong. Bottas car flinched slightly into George's direction and he got too wide onto the slippery gras making his car uncontrollable.

The next seconds where like slow motion for me. I was scared that something more serious happened because of the carbon pieces flying trough the air. Luckily, George got out of the car and not seemed to be injured. I didn't even see how Bottas showed him the middle finger and how George reacted to this because I went straight back into the motorhome to wait for George.

When he finally comes back from the medical centre I wasn't that scared anymore but still my fingers shiver a bit because how worried I was about him. I want to take him into my arms, hold him close and make sure that everything is okay, but George backed of and did not let me touch him.

"George..." I try to speak with him, but he just shakes his head and doesn't even look at me.
"Please, I just want to know if you are okay." I mumble not wanting to stir up his anger.

George sights before he gives me the small version of the special smile which is just reserved for me. "I am okay, probably a bit sore later but okay. And no, I do not want to talk about it now." The first part of his sentence makes me feel a bit of relieve but the second lowers my mood again.

George is a person who is keeping his bad feelings just for himself and do not want to drag people down with him. I accept his behaviour because I know he is going to talk eventually and until this point I have to wait patiently.

"I have to do my interviews and after that we can leave okay? Cuddle a bit and order food to the hotel room." He suggests before bending down and pressing a soft kiss onto my temple.

I am glad that his anger has cooled down a bit because when George is angry, he can get quite scary. Patiently I wait for him returning from his interview wanting to go back to the hotel as fast as possible, but an unpleasant surprise awaits me when George comes back.

He did not bang the door when he comes back but he is fuming.
"What a fucking asshole!" George curses when his PR enters the room following closely.

"How can he be so ignorant? We both did something wrong, but he just talks like I am the enemy in this crash. I tried to be polite in my interview, but I could hit him again." He continues his rage while scuffling his hair.

I look at his PR who is giving me an apologizing smile, knowing I have to deal with this moody George for the rest of the evening.

"We leave!" George nearly snaps at me making me flinch lightly. I never like it when he is talking like this, but I know he would never do something he regrets later towards me.

I can just mumble a little "Goodbye" to his PR before George drags me outside of the motorhome and to the parking lot where his car is. George does not speak a word, but his face shows the pure anger boiling inside of him.

In the car George drives almost aggressively and now he does scare me a bit.
"Please slow down." My voice shakes a bit when the motor roars another time.

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